After Traumatic Delivery, Christian Reality Star Jill Dillard Names Firstborn Child Israel David; Says Pain Was 'Worth All of It'

Popular Christian reality TV personality Jill Dillard and her husband Derick finally welcomed their firstborn child, a son they named Israel David on April 6 after enduring a traumatic delivery she says was "worth all of it."
"His birth didn't go as expected, but having him — it's worth all of it. I wouldn't do anything differently," Jill who had hoped to have a natural birth delivery at home told People after arriving from the hospital, where she delivered Israel by cesarean section.
The new mother who is studying to be a midwife and is the second-oldest daughter of the Duggar family, featured on TLC's hit reality show "19 Kids and Counting," was due to give birth on March 24 but Israel came late and brought a lot of trouble with him dashing her hopes of a home birth.
Jill's water broke 12 days after her due date and things quickly got complicated once she went into labor. She tested positive for strep B, a bacteria that can be transferred from mother to baby during the birth process and she had to be placed on antibiotics.
After a full 20 hours in labor, and with her contractions just one minute apart with very little progress, Jill noticed that meconium (the waste of an unborn infant) had leaked out.
The couple rushed to the hospital where Jill continued to labor without any assistance from medical professionals. After 70 hours in labor, doctors checked her and discovered that Isaiah was in a transverse breech position, meaning that he was sideways and upside down, making delivery incredibly difficult. He was also suffering from an irregular heart rate and had not descended into the birth canal.
The complications forced the new mother to opt for C-section delivery allowing doctors to bring the whole 9 pounds and 10 ounces bundle of Israel into the world.
"I love our birth story because it bonded us so well," Jill told People.
The baby boy's name reflects Jill and Derick's deeply religious beliefs, as both names come from well-known biblical characters. Jill and Derick offered prayer throughout the pregnancy and delivery and even wrote out cards with their favorite Bible verses and gospel songs on them for her to focus on during the birth. When things did not as planned they simply kept praying.
"I was praying to God to give me strength," said Jill. "I was really scared and nervous, but I was praying."
Baby Isaiah's birth will be shown on an upcoming TLC special on May 5.