Alan Robertson, 'Duck Dynasty' Cast Shares the Gospel in 365-Day 'Duck Commander Devotional'

The Robertson family of "Duck Dynasty" fame has released a new book, The Duck Commander Devotional, that includes 365-days of scriptures, short stories and personal prayers from the whole family, including show favorites Godwin, Martin and Mountain Man.
Alan Robertson, the eldest son of Phil and Miss Kay, and his wife, Lisa, spoke to CBN's Terry Meeuwsen of "The 700 Club," about the book, and his life growing up poor and with a father who had turned away from the Lord and kicked his wife and sons out of the house. Alan had to grow up fast to help raise his younger brothers; but after his father was saved through Jesus Christ and reunited with his family, Alan started to rebel and was subsequently kicked out of the house by his parents.
Even though he was going to church and attending youth group, Alan said that by 14, he "just got darkened on the inside," as satan had concluded that he lost his battle with Phil, and decided to move to on to his son. He said that Phil and Miss Kay did their best to get him back on the right track and to set a good example for his younger brothers. But following his high school graduation he was determined to defy his parents, and so they kicked him out of the house.
Alan then decided to move to New Orleans, La., and said he was like the prodigal son in Luke 15 and "took off to the wild country and didn't have any wealth, but certainly squandered."

Along with being a preacher at White's Ferry Road Church for 22 years, Alan has also worked behind the scenes for "Duck Dynasty." Following much contemplation, he made the difficult decision to leave the pulpit to work at Duck Commander and appear on the show, where he has the opportunity to share the Gospel with fans throughout the world.
"It wasn't an easy decision," he said. "It took about a year in prayer to make that move. We saw it as an opportunity for a national ministry, really an international ministry. Many fans really don't understand Christianity and the spiritual part of who we are. So, who better to do that than the guy who's been a pastor all these years. It's a perfect platform to get the Gospel out."
The Duck Commander Devotional was among the first things Alan worked on when he returned to the family business.
"I called all of my family and said, 'Look, we need to put together some of the things we love from scripture, why they impact us – maybe tell a funny story or why it impacts you – and just like the show, let's close it with a prayer.'"
The book first acknowledges the Christian faith of Phil and Si's parents, Merritt and James, and includes background information about many of the Robertsons who appear on the show, along with extended family members who work at Duck Commander, and employees Godwin, Martin, Lynda and Mountain Man.
Excerpt from the book:
"Why Not Me"
"Blessed is the one who preserves under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him," James 1:12.
Personal story
"My wife, Paula, and I were new Christians, and life was going well. She worked in the emergency room at the local hospital, and one day the unthinkable happened: she was stuck with a needle from a patient with the HIV virus. We were doing all the right things, and this happened! I have to admit, 'Why us?' did come to mind, especially because we thought we were finally living right. But Paula had an amazing reply: 'Why not me…better me than someone who hasn't heard of Jesus.' Wow! Woman, get off my toes. I was challenged that day to grow my faith up to that level. It's our unwavering faith that helps us persevere!"
"Father, protect us from the evil one. Help us to be faithful and aware of Your presence at all times. Help us realize our shortcomings and help us to get back up when we fall. Help us to not take You for granted or the freedom we have in You. I thank You for my wife and her faith. In Your precious name, amen." – Godwin.
The Robertson family will be back on A&E on Wednesday, Dec. 11 for a "Duck Dynasty" Christmas special.