Apocalypse Poll: Republicans More Confident Than Democrats About Their Survival

Republicans are far more confident than Democrats that they would survive longer than most people in their community in the event of an apocalypse, according to a new YouGov poll of 1,000 Americans.
While 43 percent of Republicans say that they would survive longer than most people in their community, only 22 percent of Democrats think so, says the research, which also found that 47 percent of Democrats say that they'd live as long as most other people in their community.
Besides, 36 percent of Republicans believe that a nuclear war would be the most likely cause of a coming apocalypse, 13 percent say it could be Judgment Day as per the Bible, and 11 percent think it could be a global revolution.
However, Democrats have a different way of looking at the apocalypse, as 27 percent of them cite climate change, something that just 5 percent of Republicans believe.
Another difference between the two is about how much thought they have given to thinking about preparations needed for their survival in case of natural disasters. While 22 percent of Republicans say they have thought about such preparations, only 14 percent of Democrats say so, the research finds.
Similarly, 35 percent of Republicans have a natural disaster plan for their families, but only 18 percent of Democrats have such a plan.
Generally, 42 percent of Americans say that their survival time in the event of an apocalypse would be roughly the same as most people in their community. Overall, 32 percent say that they are likely to live longer than most, while 11 percent think that they'd end up dying early on.
The survey also dealt with the question whether Americans think they should stay put or try to seek shelter somewhere else if and when hit by an apocalypse.
As many as 62 percent of respondents say that they would try to brave it out at home, but 38 percent say that they'd like to evacuate their current location.
It's mostly those who live in cities who would like to seek shelter elsewhere, as 46 percent of them said so. But 78 percent of those in rural areas are the ones most likely to say that they would try to survive the apocalypse at home.
The survey found that 28 percent of Americans think that nuclear war would be the most likely cause of the end of civilization. Climate change and judgment day tied for second place with 16 percent, followed by worldwide revolution at 9 percent.