Are Planned Parenthood Abortionists Delivering Babies Alive Then Killing Them?

David Daleiden, head of the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress, alleges that StemExpress — a biotechnology company that sells aborted baby organs for tens of thousands of dollars — is trying to use the courts to block the release of future undercover videos because they might reveal "evidence of born alive infants."
"In a meeting with their top leadership they [StemExpress] admitted they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive infants," Daleiden asserted on CNN Friday.
California-based StemExpress is "very scared," he said, about seeing the next undercover videos released to the public because they might reveal illegal partial-birth abortions are being carried out to obtain intact tissue and organs for research.
In 2003, then President George W. Bush signed a law banning partial-birth abortion which was subsequently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Some late-term abortionists have been using a chemical called digoxin to stop babies' hearts to deliver intact deceased babies.
Earlier this week, StemExpress was successful in receiving a temporary restraining order against the Center of Medical Progress, thus barring the release of undercover footage showing top level staff in a May 2014 meeting.

Daleiden told CNN Friday that Planned Parenthood has not responded or disputed facts revealed in the first video that their abortionists are altering procedures to gain more intact "specimens" by moving babies to the breech-birth position.
While Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and other top level staff have consistently stated their abortion business hasn't broken any state or federal laws and they do not profit from the harvesting of babies' tissue and organs, a former Planned Parenthood director has said these claims are false.
During an interview with The Christian Post, Abby Johnson, who worked as a Planned Parenthood clinic director in Texas for eight years, said the nation's top abortion provider is making a profit of $100 to $200 off each baby's recoverable tissue and organs they sell.
"Shipping only costs a clinic $4 to $10 but they are sometimes charging $100 to $200 for each baby," Johnson told CP. "They are charging additional fees, but in reality there are no additional fees except for minimal shipping costs."
"There is definitely money to be made and that's an issue with the current law. If there's a loophole, Planned Parenthood will blow through it," she asserted.
The Hill reported on Friday that the National Abortion Federation is asking California's courts to block all of the unreleased footage, not just the video clips showing StemExpress employees.
House lawmakers left Washington, D.C. for summer recess without voting on a bill to stop giving Planned Parenthood the over $500 million it receives in taxpayer funding every year. The Senate is expected to vote on on a similar measure, but will fail if it can't obtain the minimum 60 votes required.
President Obama has said he will veto any bill passed by lawmakers to defund Planned Parenthood.