Arise Shine Conference nixes Jeremy Riddle over spiritual abuse allegations

Radiant Church, host of the two-day Arise Shine Conference for pastors and leaders set for Kalamazoo, Michigan, next month, has scratched worship musician Jeremy Riddle from the annual event's lineup as he faces spiritual abuse allegations from his time at Dwelling Place Anaheim.
"After a discussion between Jeremy and Katie Riddle and Radiant Church along with prayerful consideration, it has been decided that Riddle will not be joining us at the Arise Shine Conference this year," Radiant Church said in a statement on the conference's website and Instagram page Tuesday.
Radiant Church didn't disclose why Riddle would not be a featured act for the May 6–7 event but appears to suggest he would become a distraction.
"We are excited about what God has planned for this conference and we want that to remain the focus. Keep all involved in the situation at Dwelling Place in your prayers. Please also join us in praying for Arise Shine and the lives that God will impact through this event."
Riddle was previously a worship pastor at Dwelling Place Anaheim, formerly Vineyard Anaheim in California. He resigned in January after the Riddles and the church's lead pastor, Alan Scott, were accused of spiritual and leadership abuse.
Riddle's former drummer at the Dwelling Place Anaheim, Noah DeBolt, claimed in a video posted on YouTube almost a year ago that he and his wife were spiritually abused by the Riddles.
"The reason you guys haven't heard from me in over a year is because I have been spiritually abused by Jeremy and Katie Riddle and Alan and Kathryn Scott. I went from being a full-time professional drummer to being deeply traumatized, depressed, barely able to eat or sleep or go outside or take a shower," DeBolt said.
"If you aren't aware of what spiritual abuse is, it's a form of psychological and emotional abuse usually characterized by manipulation, forced conformity, obedience to abusive leaders who have a divine role. Sadly, my story is not unique at all. There are dozens of other victims, including my wife, who have been violated and abused by these leaders, who do so in the name of God."
Former Dwelling Place Anaheim Pastor Cynthia Andrews said in a statement on X that she went to Riddle "in tears" about how Scott had spiritually abused her. She claims he dismissed her concerns.
"[Riddle] dismissed my concerns about spiritual abuse, describing Alan as apostolic and prophetic, and suggested that enduring such treatment was the price for revival," she said.
In a statement on X last Friday, DeBolt said he had asked Radiant Church leaders in private not to include Riddle at the conference, but they declined, so he went public with his request.
"I privately asked @Calebculver & @leemcummings to reconsider hosting Jeremy Riddle as a speaker/worship leader at their upcoming church conference. They declined. So I wanted to ask publicly. Jeremy has manipulated & abused many under his care and has yet to repent," DeBolt said.
"Their defense to me was that hosting Jeremy would give them an opportunity to hear about Jeremy's ‘examination process' 1-on-1," he explained. "When I asked why they needed to pay him an honorarium and give him a platform just to hear about this process, I didn't hear back."
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