Ayaan Hirsi Ali says critical race theory is 'worst philosophy,' teaches kids to 'hate' each other
Somali-born activist urges Americans not to be divided by the 'crazy people'

A Somali-born human rights activist and bestselling author condemned critical race theory (CRT) as divisive and the “worst philosophy she has ever come across” as some media and public school systems continue to endorse it.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim survivor of female genital mutilation and former member of the Dutch Parliament, warned in a recent interview with Fox News that critical race theory will teach children to “hate" each other.
"It divides us into people of different races, and it says that these racial differences are irreconcilable," the women’s activist and Hoover Institution fellow stated, adding that the ideology seeks to divide along the lines of race, immigration, gender identity and gender.
“It sees no reconciliation, no coming together unless the people that they describe as eternal victims, black people, people of color, women, transgender people, unless they unite to destroy and dismantle our existing institutions,” she continued. “It's a very nihilistic, zero-sum game. It's the worst philosophy I've ever come across.”
Ali has stood against various political oppressive political philosophies across the globe. She has garnered international attention over the years as a critic of Islam. She has advocated for the rights of Muslim women and has openly criticized forced marriages, honor killings, female genital mutilation and child marriage.
The solution to the advancement of CRT in America, Ali said, is to “come together, not be driven apart by these crazy people.”
Ali said CRT teaches young children to relate to one another based on skin color and gender, which she believes will lead to them hate one another. She believes white children will grow to “hate America” because "they will feel that it’s the legacy of America that has saddled them, burdened them with this terrible history."
“Both sets of children will look at America and America's legacies and institutions and all that they have either with contempt or with hatred and anger or a combination of all,” she said.
Ali contends mainstream media have promoted CRT because they "decided that what sells is divisiveness." She warned that the way to counter CRT is to expose it.
In another interview with Fox News’ Dana Perino, Ali addressed the comments of Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., who said the American system must be dismantled.
“We can’t stop at criminal justice reform or policing reform,” Omar said during a press conference last year. “We are not merely fighting to tear down the systems of oppression in the criminal justice system. We are fighting to tear down systems of oppression that exist in housing, in education, in health care, in employment, [and] in the air we breathe.”
Ali, however, believes the American system is not perfect but is made to self-correct and address these problems on its own.
“I don’t think we need a revolution,” she said. “I think what we have the American Declaration, the American Constitution, the American values, our system, gives us the tools to address social injustice, to address inequality, to address all the issues that we face. … I think we need to resist and say, ‘you have come to America in search of freedom, you’ve come to America in search of equality. We find it here. Our system is not perfect. We can fix it, and we do it through conversations.”
Ali said that even though “loud minority” seek to dismantle the American system, it must be preserved. Despite its young age as a nation, she said the United States has accomplished so much in its short history.
“[America] is the one nation that has abolished slavery," she said. "It is the one nation that has stood up for civil rights and has passed laws and has allocated huge resources to achieving or aspiring to achieve free equality. I do not believe in guaranteeing equality of outcomes. I believe in equality of opportunity.”
“I think we should reject and stand up to crazy people who say that our system, the United States of America, our America, is made up of systemic racism,” she said.
Ali said the system helps Americans strive to “make things better” and is unlike any other country’s system.
“So, the Ilhan Omars of this world, the Ocasio-Cortez’s of this world, I think they need to take time out to travel in the real world, other countries where you don’t have that, where there are really bad systems,” she said.
Critical race theory is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as “an intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour.”
The reference source reports that “critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.”
Proponents of CRT criticize the U.S. and Western nations as being oppressive and promoting institutional “systemic racism” or “white supremacy,” teaching that systemic racism is ingrained in many aspects of American life.
Critics contend that proponents of CRT use Marxist tactics of “class struggle” to divide people among race, gender and ethnicity. Components from the theoretical framework are being taught in some public schools, government agencies and business training programs.
CRT has been a source of controversy in school board meetings across the country.
Emily Wood is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: emily.wood@christianpost.com