Benham Brothers Warn Parents Against 'Godless Agenda' in Schools and 'Gender Unicorn'

Conservative Christian brothers David and Jason Benham are speaking out against the government's "godless agenda" that stems from the "hippie sexual revolution" and the Obama administration's transgender directives that pressure schools to give boys access to girls bathrooms and locker rooms.
"From the hippie sexual revolution of the '60s to the gender unicorn today — our school rooms are the fertile soil for godless government agendas," the Benhams wrote in a Facebook post Monday.
David Benham elaborated on those thoughts in a speech he made last week at the Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board meeting where he talked about the Department of Education's directive.
"I came here tonight to plead with you not to use our children — our future — as social experiments. I'm asking you not to let our kids become pawns in the hands of radical, sexual revolutionaries who don't care about them, you, me or anyone but themselves," he said in his speech last week, noting that as a father of five children, he is concerned about politicians and advocacy groups that want to give men access to women's bathrooms and changing facilities if they identify as female.
"Their main target is to eliminate any and all moral standards. This allows those pushing the agenda to rebuild society in man's image — not God's — with government as the ultimate giver (and taker) of our rights," he added.
The author and business owner suggested that such "radical revolutions" are based on feelings and not on truth.
"While we seek to accommodate those who truly struggle with gender confusion, it's logically absurd to flip the entire system of standards upside-down," he continued.
"We don't allow a student to defecate in the trashcan because the stalls make him feel claustrophobic, do we? No, we have standards in place for everyone and make exceptions for the extreme," Benham added.
He argued that people pushing for inclusive bathroom policies are not so much concerned with the emotional struggle of the transgender community, but want a "political revolution of the radical left."
The Benham brothers, who in 2014 saw their HGTV reality show canceled over their opposition to same-sex marriage, have on a number of occasions spoken out against transgender policies being pushed on states and schools.
Back in July, they said the NBA's decision to pull the 2017 All-Star game from Charlotte to protest the state's HB2 law, which requires people in government buildings, including schools and universities, to use bathroom facilities designated for their birth sex, was simply going to agitate the issue even further.
"They don't really care about transgender [people], they don't care about all of these other people that they exploit. They want to rub an issue raw and keep agitating to push their agenda," the brothers said at the time.
In May, they described Obama's transgender bathroom directive to public schools as a means to create "chaos."
"The issue is the revolution, and the revolution is chaos," Jason said at the time.
"The enemy wants nothing more but to destroy not only marriage, but he wants to destroy the family, he wants to destroy you individually, he wants total and utter destruction, and that's what we're seeing taking place right now."