Benjamin Watson to ‘unveil the truth about abortion’ in documentary featuring Dr. Ben Carson, Alveda King

In an upcoming documentary featuring interviews with people like Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alveda King, pro-life New England Patriots tight end Benjamin Watson says he will “unveil the truth about abortion.”
Watson, who is an outspoken Christian and pro-life activist, told The Hollywood Reporter he is executive producing and partially financing a documentary called Divided Hearts of America which started filming last May and is now in the postproduction stage.
“My goal is to unveil the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed. I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed. That’s my conviction. But with the film, I’ll engage those who disagree and hear their reasoning. The No. 1 thing I’m looking for is empathy on both sides,” Watson told the publication about the project that has a budget of less than $1 million.
Watson is featured in the documentary with some 30 pro-life and pro-choice Americans, including Carson and King who discuss the issue of abortion.
“I never thought I’d be involved in a movie, but so many different laws have passed in New York, Alabama, Georgia, it seems this issue — which has always been a part of our national consciousness — has ramped up recently,” he said. “Things are at a fever pitch.”
Last May, around the time he began filming his new documentary, Watson raised the issue of the role men play in battling abortion at a major pro-life rally in New York’s Times Square, saying that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
The rally, organized by Focus on the Family, came in the wake of the passage of New York’s Reproductive Health Act that codified federal abortion rights guaranteed under the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and removed abortion from the state's criminal code.
“As families across our country are being destroyed and as lives are being extinguished, we must expose the lies that are being told. We must peel back those layers of deceit,” Watson urged men at the rally.
“We have to be men who are willing to step into that boldly and with confidence because we were made to be protectors and providers. You have what it takes to be the man God designed you to be,” said Watson, who is a father of seven.
The voice of pro-life men is “greatly needed” in the “public sphere,” he added, insisting that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
“That’s where it starts,” Watson noted. “It doesn’t start when the baby is out. The relationship you have with the mother, the relationship you have talking to that child en utero. Fatherhood begins in the womb.”
In a recent interview with the Daily Caller, where he discussed how his Christian faith infused his life, Watson said that one of the joys he gets from fatherhood and having a big family is the friendship he sees his children have with one another.
“We have a lot of fun times together, sitting around the dinner table, talking. Sometimes it’s too loud,” he told the outlet. “We have to tell them to be quiet. But we’re able to have a lot of great conversations and I can see that getting better as they get older.”
Through his family life, he says, he highlights the value of life and the belief that children are blessings.
“Even though it’s tough, and it’s hard and there are sleepless nights, and sometimes you can’t do what you want to do, you want to make sacrifices,” Watson said. “I’ve never heard anybody say when they get older, ‘I wish I had less kids.'”