Bill Nye Show Promoting Transgenderism, Sexual Perversion Nominated for Emmy

An episode of Bill Nye's show on Netflix that addresses transgenderism has been nominated for the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards.
Titled "Sexual Spectrum," the 9th episode of the show "Bill Nye Saves the World" aired in April. It featured a music video, "My Sex Junk," about transgenders, gay sex and "fluidity" of sexuality. The writers have received the nomination, according to The Daily Caller.
"Sexuality's a spectrum, everyone is on it. Even you might like it if you sit up on it," actress Rachel Bloom was shown singing on stage as Nye danced off stage in that episode. "Drag king, drag queen just do what feels right."
"It's been a record-breaking year for television, continuing its explosive growth," Television Academy Chairman Hayma Washington said in a press statement announcing the nominations. "We are thrilled to once again honor the very best that television has to offer."
"Saving the world turns out to be a big, complicated task, so we're coming back for Season 2," Nye said in a statement last month. "We want people to view issues in our society through the lens of science and to be inspired and informed about the role it plays in our everyday lives."
Nye is most well-known for his 90s show "Bill Nye the Science Guy. In 1996, an episode titled "Probability" featured a girl pointing out that there are only two possibilities for gender and explained the role chromosomes play in determining gender.
"Inside each of our cells are these things called chromosomes and they control whether we become a boy or a girl," the girl says as she points to "XX" and "XY" refrigerator magnets. "Your mom has two X chromosomes in all of her cells and your dad has one X and one Y chromosomes in each of his cells. Before you are born, your mom gives you one of her chromosomes and you dad gives you one of his. Mom always gives you an X and if dad gives you an X too, then you become a girl. But if he gives you his Y, then you become a boy."
"See, there are only two possibilities," she continued. "The chance of either becoming a boy or a girl is always one in two. It's like flipping a coin. X — you are girl. Y — you are a boy."
However, that clip was cut from the Netflix version. And Nye is taking a different stance on gender now.
Nye said in his new show in April, "Now we are realizing that it is more like a kaleidescope. And this stuff isn't just for adults. Parents know this already. Kids explore gender, expression, attraction before they have ever heard of a spectrum. Take sex, we used to think it was pretty straightforward — an 'X' and a 'Y' chromosome, two X's for females. But we see more combinations than that in real life. And even for people with just two sex chromosomes, hormones can vary wildly, so can anatomy. What makes someone male and female isn't so clear cut."