Canada to use gender neutral pronouns in military to accommodate trans ideology

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces will soon be ordered to begin using gender neutral pronouns for all service members in official military documents, according to an unclassified document announcing the change.
In what appears to be yet another advance of gender identity ideology in Canada, documents obtained by a conservative commentator and given to The Post Millennial say that members of the military will be ordered to stop using the sex-specific pronouns "he" and "she" and instead say "they" and "them."
“Based on a recent [Canadian Armed Forces] cultural and normative shift to promote gender diversity and associated inclusiveness, CFPAS [Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System] writing policy and guide will also reflect this new reality where sex, gender identity, and gender expression are prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Forthwith the use of gender pronouns such as quote he/his and she/her unquote are not to be used when drafting pers. Members will be referred to by rank and name or by using gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their,” the official notice from the Canadian Armed Forces reads.
Commenting on Twitter Monday, Derek Sloan, a member of Parliament for Hastings-Lennox and Addington, Ontario, called the new requirement for military members "absolute madness!"
"Canadian military personnel will no longer be allowed to write 'he' or 'she,' even if one of those is an individual’s 'preferred pronoun,'" he added.
In recent years, the North American nation has rapidly enshrined transgender concepts such as gender identity into law and social institutions. The notion is that one's self-declared identity as the opposite sex is what's real and the physical and biological sex is not.
The trans movement has been bolstered by Canada's bill C-16 which added gender identity into the national human rights charter as a protected category and also in the criminal code in 2016.
Concurrent with revisions to polices are ongoing demands from transgender activists that a transgender-identifying individual's preferred pronouns — which might include they or them for people who identify as "nonbinary" — be used in public settings. They argue such for such measures under the banner of inclusiveness, respect for diversity, and equality.
"While use of preferred pronouns have been considered a necessary element of the promotion and inclusion of gender diversity, this change by the CAF is the first time that preferred pronouns are being officially discounted in favor of a catch-all, gender-neutral pronoun system," the Post Millennial reported Sunday.
It remains unclear as to what will happen to military personnel who oppose the new policy.
Critics of gender identity ideology have maintained that describing the identity of a person with pronouns, which denote the sex of the body, is not an act of discrimination but a necessary function of society and that language ought not to be deconstructed in such fashion. Unlike sex, which is an observable reality, gender identity cannot be defined in any material sense and rests on sex-based stereotypes, they say.