Christian Wife Warns Women on Facebook to Stay Away From Lawmaker Husband After Strippers Show Up at Home

In a preemptive strike against women who have reportedly been propositioning her husband, the Christian wife of Republican Alabama State Senator, Shadrack McGill, 38, fired off a warning missive on Facebook on Monday, ordering the women to stay away from her husband or face public shame.
"This may go viral and if so my prayer is that it strengthens marriages and families across this district, our state, and our country! I am very blessed to be the wife of a God fearing, hardworking, ministry minded, loving father and husband and it is not just my right but my duty to lovingly serve him by protecting him!" wrote the senator's wife, Heather McGill, in the missive on her husband's Facebook page.
"I have been silent for long enough!! NO MORE! Multiple times since being in office he has gotten emails from women (who may not even be real) inviting him to explore, also sending pictures of themselves. NO MORE!!! It is a shame that people are so heartless that they would try to split up families. We have children that look at our face books from time to time! Shame on you! You know who you are," she added.
Senator McGill who represents Alabama's Eighth District, was elected to the Alabama Senate in November 2010 and is described as a "Christian" whose "interests include spending time with his family," according to the website of Alabama's State Legislature.
On Tuesday, he told that his wife's reaction on Monday was partly caused by incidents from his last legislative campaign which included two strippers showing up at the couple's home in the wee hours of the morning.
"During the campaign, we had two strippers come to my house at 1 o'clock in the morning," said Sen. McGill who pointed out that they beat on the couple's door. "Me and my wife both got up to address the situation. They did inform me that they were strippers at a particular club in Huntsville."
But the senator's troubles didn't end with that incident.
"Shortly after taking office, a couple of times my Facebook was hijacked and women sent me pictures of themselves half-naked, saying, 'I had a great time last night with Shadrack McGill.' That sort of thing," he explained to
"She has a legitimate concern about that sort of thing getting worse, and Facebook being one of the mediums for that happening," noted the senator. "I'm proud of her; she has a lot of wisdom and when she prays about something and gets a certain direction on her mind, she's very bold about addressing it."
And in that bold fashion on Monday, Mrs. McGill explained that she was ready to get rid of the "garbage."
"This is the 'behind the scenes' garbage that political life brings. I will not turn a blind eye to it any longer!" she wrote in her missive.
"I boldly stand before you today and declare that I will stand beside my husband, support him, love him, and protect him at ALL cost!!!! Those of you who know who you are consider yourself warned! Those of you who understand my heart, thank you for listening and may God bless your families!" she ended.