5 Crazy Things Said in Defense of Judge Roy Moore
One Witness Not Enough

American Family Association President Bryan Fischer posted a defense of Moore last week arguing that the allegations against Moore lacked sufficient merit according to the Bible's mandate for people to be found guilty on the testimony of at least two witnesses.
While Fischer referenced some valid concerns over the accusations, he also included the argument that "according to the teaching of Christ, we have no facts, no actual evidence to accuse Judge Roy Moore of anything."
"This principle of two or three witnesses was a bedrock principle of jurisprudence in the legal system God revealed to Moses for ancient Israel," said Fischer.
"What this means is that mature men and women must not accept these charges against Roy Moore unless and until corroborating witnesses come forward."
Eight women, so far, have accused Moore of impropriety. The accusations range from dating high school girls while he was in his 30s to attempted rape. The Washington Post spoke with a dozen witnesses who said Moore frequently hung out at the Gadsen Mall and made some of the young girls uncomfortable.
Fischer doesn't take issue with Moore's alleged ephebophilia, writing, "In Judge Moore's case, there are five accusers according to the press. In truth, however, there are only two, since three of the five have not accused the judge of any kind of sexual impropriety. Kissing is not a crime."
In 2010, Fischer blamed an increase in oral sex related cancers on Bill Clinton's "sordid affair with Monica Lewinsky." There were not multiple witnesses to Clinton's affair with Lewinsky.