David Benham Shares How Confused Ex-Lesbian Promoted Gay Pride at Daughter's Bible Study

Conservative Christian David Benham shared about a conversation he had with a young former lesbian who became a born-again Christian but was still promoting gay pride.
Citing the confusion that the young woman had, Benham stressed the need for Christian leaders, such as author and pastor Eugene Peterson, to speak clearly on the topic of homosexuality.
In his blog post on Friday, Benham, who along with his twin brother, Jason, are pro-life and pro-traditional marriage activists, recalled meeting the young woman through a Bible study that his 11-year-old daughter attended.
The woman, whose name was not given, had apparently been talking at the Bible study about her former lesbianism and her continued support for the gay pride movement.
"Naturally, it confused the girls in the room, and it startled the parents when we found out, including me," Benham wrote, noting that the parents were expecting their daughters to learn about foundational truths from Scripture.
"When I arrived to pick up my daughter I had planned to sit with her and discuss what the Lord says about our sin and how His amazing grace not only saves us from our sin but also gives us a brand new identity. Yet when I walked in the door the first person I met was this young woman."
"I could see in her eyes she was sorry, yet I could also see how confused she was," he wrote, noting that his heart "broke for her" and that he sensed the former lesbian regretted talking to the girls about the gay pride movement.
In a rare moment for Benham, God began to speak through him, he said. He told the woman that she's a precious child of God who chose to follow Jesus and serve in the church so he was thankful for her.
He said that the woman began crying, and was hardly able to make eye contact with him. Feeling compelled by God's word, he spoke "truth" to her so that "she could be set free from the bondage of confusion about her identity in Christ.
"So I said to her, with my wife standing by my side, 'When you said yes to Jesus your old nature died and is gone; you became a new creation. This is what being born again means. You're not the same old sinner you once were – you don't have to identify with it any longer,'" Benham explained.
He shared with her several Bible verses on the topic, and continued:
"Although your spirit has been made new in Christ it takes time for your mind to catch up. Quite often, people that surrender to Jesus still think like they're unsaved, so they continue to identify themselves as the old sinner they once were."
"This is why God teaches us that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds," he told her.
Benham attested that the woman understood what he was trying to say, and he and his wife prayed with her.
Feeling the need to address her continued support for the gay pride movement, he further told her, "All sin is sin — no one sin is different than another in God's eyes. It all separates us from Him. But when was the last time you saw thieves gather and march through the streets on 'Thief Pride' day, or adulterers unite to write children's books to be read in kindergarten classes promoting adultery?"
The woman, he said, "is now walking in full submission to Jesus' teaching on sexuality."
Benham urged Christian leaders to "speak the truth in love. This young woman, and countless others like her, desperately need the only truth that sets them free."
Benham's post comes after Peterson, who is the author of more than 30 books, including The Message, stirred significant controversy earlier this month when he said that he would officiate over a gay marriage. After immediate backlash, he retracted and said that he affirms the biblical view of marriage as between one man and one woman.