'Dirty baker's dozen': 13 companies facilitating sexual exploitation

Major corporations and one state were listed on the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s 2020 “Dirty Dozen List” of entities that are complicit in “perpetuating” sexual exploitation in any form.
NCOSE, a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to addressing the “full-spectrum” of sexual exploitation, has put out an annual Dirty Dozen List since 2013.
The list serves as an activism tool to pressure companies with business practices that contribute to the sexual exploitation of people to change course.
Over the years, NCOSE’s campaign has had success in influencing organizations and companies to change their policies. Most recently, it was reported that United Airlines (named on the 2019 Dirty Dozen List) will better train employees to stop porn viewing on airline flights.
For the first time in its history, the list consists of a “baker’s dozen,” said NCOSE Vice President of Advocacy and Outreach Haley McNamara during the rollout of the annual list Thursday at the NCOSE office in Washington, D.C.
“No mainstream entity should profit or facilitate sexual exploitation. Unfortunately, many well-established brands, companies and organizations in America do just that,” McNamara said. “In today’s world, corporations drive our culture. They influence how people communicate, what information they receive and what trends are accepted or rejected.”
“Right now there are mainstream companies that are normalizing pornography, facilitating online sex trafficking and grooming, selling sex dolls and incest materials or promoting eroticized child nudity books,” she continued. “A culture that accepts these things will continue to create more victims of sexual abuse and sex trafficking than can ever be rescued.”
In the following pages are 13 entities listed on NCOSE’s 2020 Dirty Dozen List.
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