Here Is Trump's Detailed Master Plan to Keep Muslims Out of the Country
For the complete details of Donald Trump's plan to keep all Muslims out of the United States, keep reading.

Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, announced Monday his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the country. While the intial announcement was short on specifics, Trump explained how the plan would work Tuesday morning on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
Border agents, explained Trump to co-host Willie Geist, "would say, 'are you Muslim?'"
"And if they said, 'yes,' they would not be allowed in the country?" Geist then asked.
"Correct," Trump answered.
Did you catch that? If not, here it is again:
Step 1: Border agents ask, "are you Muslim?"
Step 2: If they answer "yes," don't let them in.
Trump's-two-step-Muslim-ban-plan, "Trump-2-step" for short, is how Trump thinks (if you can call it that) he would protect the country from terrorists if elected president. After all, who would lie about being Muslim? Certainly not a terrorist, right?
Like his plans to shut down all mosques and deport all unauthorized immigrants, the Trump-2-step has no basis in reality.
According to Trump, the Trump-2-step would include tourists and U.S. citizens traveling abroad. Imagine that. You leave the country for a business trip, Trump gets elected while you're gone, and now you can't get back to your house. Bummer.
Trump said the Trump-2-step would make an exception for athletic events. If the Trump-2-step would really work, why make this exception? What makes athletes so special? Does he think terrorists wouldn't target athletic events?
The Trump-2-step is a perfect expression of the Trump phenomenon: long on outrage, short on common sense. Trump doesn't care about workable solutions to real problems. Instead, he toys with the fears of average Americans.
Trump's supporters, about 25 percent of the Republican electorate, have demonstrated a willingness to stand with their candidate no matter what he says. Indeed, the more outrageous, the better, they seem to be saying. So, the absurdities of the Trump-2-step is unlikely to change Trump's poll numbers.