Elon Musk's views on Christianity, faith-based college's gov't battle and more: The Inside Story

On today's “Inside Story” podcast, we hit a series of important news stories, recapping essential details on faith, education — and more.
Christian Post reporter Jon Brown tackles Elon Musk's views on Christianity, Grand Canyon University's latest legal conundrum, and a recent development in the U.K. Methodist Church that’s making headlines. Listen to the latest episode:
And read more about each story:
Elon Musk agrees Western civilization 'absolutely screwed' without Christianity
FTC slaps Grand Canyon University with lawsuit for alleged deceptive ads, illegal telemarketing
UK-based Methodist Church issues guidance discouraging use of terms 'husband' and 'wife'
“The Inside Story” takes you behind the headlines of the biggest faith, culture, and political headlines of the week. In 15 minutes or less, Christian Post staff writers and editors will help you navigate and understand what’s driving each story, the issues at play — and why it all matters.
Listen to more Christian podcasts today on the Edifi app — and be sure to subscribe to The Inside Story on your favorite platforms: