Facebook Blocked This Russell Moore Op-Ed About Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Fetuses

Editor's Note: This article, originally posted to Russell Moore's blog "Moore to the Point," was initially blocked by Facebook because it was reported as "abusive." Facebook has removed that block. While The Christian Post believes that aborting fetuses and selling their body parts is abusive, bringing attention to those actions is not.

I must admit I was speechless for close to an hour. I saw a video posted online, of an undercover operation in which Planned Parenthood's top doctor is selling the body parts of aborted children. Having seen so many Internet hoaxes bandied about, I initially assumed this was one of them. After a few calls to respected figures in the pro-life community, though, who confirmed the accuracy of the video, I was speechless again.
The undercover video shows Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, explaining how Planned Parenthood sells the parts of aborted unborn children. The video shows her describing how the heads of these babies come at the highest price.
If this does not shock the conscience, what will? It is not only that infants, in their mother's wombs, are deprived of their lives, but also that their corpses are desecrated for profit. This is not only murderous; it is murderous in the most ghoulish way imaginable.
For years, many of us have called on government leaders to see to it that no taxpayer funds, of any kind, go to Planned Parenthood. Is it not clear that these are not health-care providers but pirates and grave-robbers of those who have no graves? The Department of Justice and the United States Congress should undertake a thorough investigation of this.
Is it any wonder that the abortion rights lobby held up congressional human trafficking legislation because it did not fund abortion? It turns out, abortion is itself a driver of human trafficking. Those who are deemed too "useless" to be considered persons are quite "useful" to be sold for parts. Those who are deemed "unwanted," are quite "wanted" when their severed organs bring in money.
The church of Jesus Christ should recommit ourselves to speaking out for human dignity. What we see in this instance is what has always been true of Planned Parenthood: Mammon worship in collision with the image of God, and the image is sacrificed on the altar of profiteering. This does not go unnoticed to God. He has said, "Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice, and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey" (Isa. 10:1-2).
The children torn apart in abortion facilities have no names, but God knows their names. They have no resting places but Jesus grants them rest. If we are called into the kingdom of a just Messiah, one who welcomes children, we should stand up and speak up for the vulnerable ones He loves. These children may be just another line item in the abortion industry's profit ledger, but they share the humanity of our Lord Jesus—and we must plead for justice for them.
It is time for the reborn to stand up for the unborn.