Fmr. Planned Parenthood Director Reveals Abortion Business Is Making $100 to $200 Profit Off Each Baby's Body Parts

Abby Johnson, a pro-life activist and former Planned Parenthood director in Texas, says the nation's top abortion business is making a profit of $100 to $200 off each baby's recoverable tissue and organs they sell.
"Shipping only costs a clinic $4 to $10 but they are sometimes charging $100 to $200 for each baby," Johnson told The Christian Post when asked if there's a profit to be made from the harvesting of aborted baby parts.
"They are charging additional fees, but in reality there are no additional fees except for minimal shipping costs," Johnson asserted. "There is definitely money to be made and that's an issue with the current law."
Speaking about the legality of the practice, Johnson explained, "If there's a loophole, Planned Parenthood will blow through it."
The author of the book Unplanned, Johnson penned an open letter to Deborah Nucatola, the abortionist and senior director of Planned Parenthood's medical services, who's featured on the Center for Medical Progress' first undercover video, to encourage her to leave the abortion industry.
The first CMP secret video showed Nucatola casually sipping wine and eating salad while discussing the sell of aborted baby body parts. The abortionist further revealed that she alters abortion procedures by moving babies to the breech birth position to increase the likelihood that she'll recover intact organs.
The clinic Johnson previously directed for eight years in Bryan-College Station also harvested baby body parts. She told CP that since the release of undercover footage showing negotiated transactions for aborted baby tissue and organs, she knows of four clinic workers who've left the abortion business.
"I think we're going to see more and more workers leaving and they are going to need healing when they leave," said Johnson, the president and founder of the nonprofit And Then There Were None, which provides financial, emotional, spiritual and legal assistance to former abortion clinic employees.
Fifty U.S. senators have asked the Department of Health and Human Services to look into the legality of Planned Parenthood's practices regarding the harvesting of baby tissue and organs; however, Democrats are making their own headlines by calling for an investigation into CMP, which conducted and released the undercover videos.
The Justice Department said last week it will look into all aspects of the released videos. CP has previously reported on the White House's defense of Planned Parenthood's practices regarding the harvesting of aborted baby parts.
When asked by CP for her opinion about the ethical practices of pro-life groups conducting undercover videos of Planned Parenthood, Johnson said she believes the "practice is up for debate."
In viewing the CMP videos, however, she said: "I didn't see anything taken out of context. What those doctors said was said, period."
"Planned Parenthood is all for finding loopholes and exploiting those loopholes," Johnson reiterated.
Presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., took to Twitter last week to urge lawmakers to vote for and pass the late-term abortion ban bill he introduced in the Senate.
"We must pass my Pain-Capable bill to stop these abortions. Stories on #PlannedParenthood actions appear to be a chapter out of some sick science fiction novel. Unfortunately, they are true," Graham tweeted.
According to U.S. News & World Report, Graham's bill has the support of 45 Republicans and no Democrats, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has promised Graham a vote on the measure, despite no date being set.
Legislation to defund Planned Parenthood has been introduced in the House and Senate, with The Hill reporting Friday that McConnell will speed up the legislative process after Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, accused the majority leader of trying to dodge a vote on the Senate floor.