Franklin Graham Says End Times May Be Near Given Government's Morality

Rev. Franklin Graham has warned that the end of time may be near given the leadership of President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.
"One of the greatest threats to America is the progressives (a new name for liberals) led by President Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder who are trying to impose a new morality—which is really no morality at all—jamming it down the throats of the American people. America has been blessed by God more than any nation on the face of this earth. When our country was birthed, its foundations and laws were based on biblical laws and principles. We used to be 'one nation under God,' now we're a nation that has turned its back on God. History shows that when nations do this, their end is near," Franklin posted to Facebook on Monday.
This is not the first time Franklin has spoken about government's leadership and a lack of morality. Earlier this month, he predicted that persecution would come to America given Obama's foreign policy.
"I believe we're going to see persecution in this country," Graham said during an interview on "Fox and Friends Weekend." "We've already seen many laws that have been passed that restrict our freedom as Christians. I believe it's going to get worse, and we see no question gaining influence in Washington by those that represent the Islamic faith. We do have a problem in this country and we are losing our religious freedom and we're losing it a little bit day by day."
Graham also noted that Obama "defends Islam and chastises Christians, rebukes our allies and befriends our enemies, and fully supports gay marriage and abortion but denies the religious freedoms of those who don't agree."
Meanwhile, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham has encouraged Christians to get involved in politics to shift the demographic and reinstate Christian values in the country.