Franklin Graham Tells Target to Respect 'Genders That God Created' After Store Opts for Gender-Neutral Sections

The Rev. Franklin Graham has spoken out against chain store Target's announcement that it will stop separating toys and bedding into boys and girls sections, by stating that such a move ignores the traditional American families that "made its stores strong" in favor of the gender-neutral movement.
"I think Target may be forgetting who has made their stores strong. It's not gender-neutral people out there — it's working American families, fathers and mothers with boys and girls they love. What's next? Are they going to try to make people believe that pink or blue baby showers are politically incorrect?" the evangelical leader asked on Facebook.
"I have news for them and for everyone else — God created two different genders. Jesus said, 'Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female' (Matthew 19:4)," he said, adding, "you can't get any clearer than that."
Graham urged supporters to call Target and let the store know they will shop there when "the genders God created are appreciated."
The Washington Post reported on Sunday that the chain store has opted for a significant gender-neutral makeover.
"We never want guests or their families to feel frustrated or limited by the way things are presented," Target said in a press release.
"Over the past year, guests have raised important questions about a handful of signs in our stores that offer product suggestions based on gender. In some cases, like apparel, where there are fit and sizing differences, it makes sense. In others, it may not."
Among the changes, all toys will be grouped together, while aisles will not have colored backdrops suggesting gender, such as pink for girls or blue for boys.
Graham, the son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, has been outspoken on gender issues on social media, and back in June said that Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner's transformation into a woman named Caitlyn will not change who he is on the inside.
"I have news for them — changing the outside doesn't change the inside. No man-made modification can fix what's wrong with the heart. Only God can fix the human heart. If we ask for His forgiveness and accept by faith His Son, Jesus Christ, He will wipe the slate clean," Graham wrote back then.