Hungarian Archbishop Warns Against Mass Muslim Immigration: 'Don't Let Wolves Enter Among Sheep'

A Hungarian Archbishop has warned that European nations are making a big mistake by allowing mass Muslim immigration, and said that Islam is guided by a "will to conquer," which is driving millions to come onto the continent.
"Jihad is a principle for Muslims that means they must expand," Catholic Archbishop Gyula Marfi of Veszprém said in an interview on Wednesday, according to Breitbart News. "The earth must become dar al-Islam, that is, Islamic territory, by introducing Shariah — Islamic law."
Marfi argued that the Muslim "will to conquer" is one of the key factors behind the millions of Muslim immigrants seeking refugee status in Europe, which has created a humanitarian crisis.
He pointed out that wealthy Arab nations, such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, do not take in masses of Muslim refugees, but give them money and encourage them to go to Europe.
"Migration does not only have causes, it also has a purpose," the archbishop added, "such as the destabilization of Europe and the Euro."
Marfi said that he does not hate Muslims, but that does not mean that Christians should not be cautious with strangers.
"Just because we love the wolves, as God's creatures, doesn't mean we let them enter among the sheep, even if they come in sheep's clothing," the archbishop said.
"Jesus told us to be as gentle as doves, but also as astute as serpents," he continued, referring to Christ's words as found in Matthew 10:16 of the New Testament.
Pope Francis, however, has been vocal in his numerous calls for Europeans to welcome refugees.
Last week he told hundreds of thousands of young people in Poland at World Youth Day that mercy moves people to offer refuge for the homeless and welcome those in need.
"A merciful heart is able to be a place of refuge for those who are without a home or have lost their home; it is able to build a home and a family for those forced to emigrate; it knows the meaning of tenderness and compassion," Francis said.
"A merciful heart can share its bread with the hungry and welcome refugees and migrants."
The pontiff also said that he was left shocked by the murder of French priest Father Jacques Hamel last week during morning Mass by a pair of Islamic State terror group supporters.
The murder shocked Christians across Europe, with one Swedish priest from the Evangelical Lutheran national church claiming that Islamists have declared war on Christianity.
Annika Borg reportedly said in an interview earlier this week that the "genocide of Christians and other religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East" has been ignored by the West for years, and she called on Europe to "wake up."
Borg also said that Hamel's murder "removes any doubt about the bloody declaration of war directed against Christianity on European soil," by Islamists.
"What is it you do not understand? What is it you do not see and do not hear?" she asked.