International House of Prayer changes law firm investigating abuse allegations after protest

Days after a collective of former staff, students and members of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri, launched a petition suggesting that the national law firm Stinson LLP, hired to investigate abuse allegations against founder Mike Bickle, "may carry the appearance of vested interests or potential biases," the ministry has announced Stinson's replacement with a local firm.
"Third parties that claim to represent alleged victims have communicated a lack of trust in the national law firm IHOPKC engaged to lead the inquiry. After careful consideration, our leadership team has decided not to proceed with STINSON LLP and instead has retained a local KC law firm to conduct interviews with alleged victims," IHOPKC said in a statement on Instagram.
"That local firm has already begun outreach to the few alleged victims whose identities are known, as well as the individuals claiming to represent anonymous Jane Does. IHOPKC is committed to investigating any allegations of abuse in our organization in a way that honors privacy, safety, and due process," the ministry added. "It is our sincere desire to serve and assist every alleged victim in order to see truth and light come forth during this sensitive and challenging time."
Bickle is being investigated for "serious allegations including sexual immorality" made against him by multiple women.
Just over a week ago, IHOPKC leaders said one decades-old claim against Bickle was found to have "some credibility" so far while other allegations brought by anonymous victims or third parties have been more difficult to ascertain.
As of Tuesday, it's unclear which local law firm had replaced Stinson. IHOPKC did not immediately respond to calls for comment from The Christian Post.
Two Sundays ago, Stuart Greaves, executive director of IHOPKC, read a statement to congregants at Forerunner Church in Grandview, Missouri. He explained why Stinson LLP was initially hired "to conduct an impartial examination" of the allegations against Bickle "with the goal of assessing their merit and advising the ELT regarding appropriate steps to take."
"Regarding the allegations so far, there has been one allegation from 26 years ago that has some credibility. There are other allegations that have been more difficult to ascertain due in part to the fact that they are either anonymous or represented by third parties," Greaves said.
"Some of the alleged events predate the founding of IHOPKC. Additionally, some of the women that were named in the allegations have publicly refuted that they were ever victims of abuse, and even denounced the representatives of the alleged victim group for using their names without permission," he added.
In a petition endorsed by more than 2,800 people, the collective of former IHOPKC staff, students and members suggested that Stinson be replaced with the Virginia-based GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) organization.
"We believe the gravity of these allegations cannot be understated, nor adequately addressed should they be handled by parties that may carry the appearance of vested interests or potential biases," the group said. "The integrity of the IHOPKC organization and the wellbeing of its members hinge on a process that assures impartiality, thoroughness, and transparency."
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