In Fifth Undercover Video, Planned Parenthood Honcho Touts Ability to Get Intact Babies for Higher Reward

In a fifth undercover video highlighting Planned Parenthood's controversial sell of aborted baby parts, Melissa Farrell, director of research at the organization's Gulf Coast branch, touted the clinic's ability to deliver intact babies for a higher reward despite the sell or purchase of human fetal tissue being a federal felony.
In the video posted to YouTube by the Center for Medical Progress on Tuesday, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston, Texas, to discuss a potential partnership to harvest aborted babies' organs.
"Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years," Farrell tells the actors in the video.
She then explains that when researchers need a specific part from the aborted baby she is able to work around the organization's standard protocol.
"We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that," she notes in the video.
When asked if this flexibility with the rules means the organization is able to change abortion protocol to get intact babies, she said, "it can happen."
"Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they're collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen," she says.
She then adds: "If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It's all just a matter of line items."
The video comes just a day after Senate Democrats defeated a bill seeking to revoke taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood's abortion business by filibustering and preventing a vote on it.
A release from the Center for Medical Progress noted, "The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1)."
While Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and other top level staff have consistently stated their business hasn't broken any state or federal laws and they do not profit from the harvesting of babies' tissue and organs, a former Planned Parenthood director has said these claims are false.
During an interview with The Christian Post last week, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director, said the nation's top abortion provider is making a profit of $100 to $200 off each baby's recoverable tissue and organs they sell.
"Shipping only costs a clinic $4 to $10 but they are sometimes charging $100 to $200 for each baby," Johnson told CP. "They are charging additional fees, but in reality there are no additional fees except for minimal shipping costs."
"There is definitely money to be made and that's an issue with the current law. If there's a loophole, Planned Parenthood will blow through it," she asserted.
David Daleiden, project lead for the Center for Medical Progress added in his statement Tuesday, "This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue 'donation.' Planned Parenthood's system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable."
"Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers," he said.
Lila Rose, president and founder of the pro-life group Live Action, calls the latest footage which discusses the abortion of 20-week-old twins "beyond horrific."
"Beyond horrific, the latest footage from the Center for Medical Progress reveals Texas Planned Parenthood staff, including Director of Research Melissa Farrell, negotiating over the body parts of 5 month old preborn children. Planned Parenthood Director Farrell discusses altering the abortion process to deliver the baby 'intact' and 'splitting the specimens' to make money for the different parts, noting, 'it's all just a matter of line items,'" says Rose in a statement to CP.
"Those Senators who voted against defunding Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars yesterday must face this inconvenient truth head-on: despite the abortion giant's thousands of dollars in contributions to their individual campaign coffers, slick advertising, and veneer of caring about women's health, Planned Parenthood perpetrates the wholesale killing, dismemberment, and profiteering from the broken bodies of our nation's preborn children, all while receiving over 500 million dollars a year in tax money. It's time to end the government subsidy of Planned Parenthood and their brutal, inhuman trade of baby body parts," she further argues.
Warning, the following Planned Parenthood video is graphic, and not suitable for young viewers.