JD Vance to March for Life attendees: 'No longer will our gov't throw pro-life protesters in prison'
'I want more babies in the United States of America'

In his first public address since Inauguration Day, Vice President J.D. Vance assured attendees at the March for Life that the Trump administration has their back and will work to make it easier for families to raise their children.
Vance addressed the crowd gathered at the 52nd annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., Friday. His speech comes less than a week after he took office as the 50th vice president of the United States.
Vance reflected on the state of the pro-life movement and the importance of working to “defend the unborn” and be “pro-family and pro-life in the fullest sense of that world possible,” telling the massive crowd that “our country has not yet stepped up in the way you have.” He declared that “our government certainly has failed in that important responsibility.”
“We failed a generation not only by permitting a culture of abortion on demand but also by neglecting to help young parents achieve the ingredients they need to live a happy and meaningful life,” Vance asserted. “A culture of radical individualism took root, one where the responsibilities and joys of family life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as personal fulfillment or personal blessings. Our society has failed to recognize the obligation that one generation has to another is a core part of living in a society to begin with.”
“I want more babies in the United States of America,” he proclaimed. “I want more happy children in our country, and I want beautiful young men and women who are eager to welcome them into the world and eager to raise them. And it is the task of our government to make it easier for young moms and dads to afford to have kids, to bring them into the world and to welcome them as the blessings that we know they are.”
Vance added: “It should be easier to raise a family, easier to find a good job, easier to build a home to raise that family in, easier to save up and purchase a good stroller, a crib for a nursery. We need a culture that celebrates life at all stages, one that recognizes and truly believes that the benchmark of national success is not our [gross domestic product] number or our stock market but whether people feel that they can raise thriving and healthy families in our country.”
He also brought up President Donald Trump’s pardon of 23 pro-life activists convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act during the Biden administration for blocking the entrances to abortion clinics. “No longer will our government throw pro-life protesters and activists, elderly grandparents or anybody else in prison,” he stated.
“It stopped on Monday and we’re not going to let it come back to this country,” he insisted. “This administration stands by you, we stand with you, and most importantly, we stand with the most vulnerable and the basic principle that people exercising the right to protest on behalf of the most vulnerable should never have the government go after them ever again.”
Vance concluded his speech by thanking the pro-life movement for their work and maintaining that because of their efforts, “America is fundamentally a pro-baby, a pro-life and a pro-family country.”
Vance’s address makes him the second sitting vice president to appear at a March for Life. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who served during the first Trump administration, became the first sitting vice president to address the annual event in 2017.
While Trump did not address the crowd in person, he delivered pre-recorded remarks via video. “In my second term, we will again stand proudly for families and for life,” he vowed. “We will protect the historic gains we have made and stop the radical Democrat push for a federal right to unlimited abortion on demand up to the moment of birth and even after birth.”
“We will work to offer a loving hand to new mothers and young families, and we will support adoption and foster care,” Trump added. “We will protect women and vulnerable children. Under my leadership, a reformed Department of Justice will finally investigate the radical left attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers and we will bring perpetrators to justice.”
Trump also promised to “end the weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith,” noting how he had pardoned 23 pro-life activists “who were persecuted by the Biden regime for praying and living out their faith.” He assured the crowd that “never again will religious persecution be allowed to happen again in America.”
Vance and Trump were not the only elected officials to speak at the March for Life. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and Senate Majority Leader John Thune, R-S.D., also delivered remarks.
In a statement reacting to the annual event, Carol Tobias of the pro-life group National Right to Life, described “the support of President Trump, Vice President Vance, Majority Leader Thune and Speaker Johnson” as “a tremendous blessing and encouragement to the millions of pro-lifers all across the United States who spend their time, money and energy helping women and their children.”
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: ryan.foley@christianpost.com