Basketball Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Calls Trump a Terrorist, Supporters Similar to ISIS Recruits

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, one of America's most prominent Muslim figures, slammed GOP Frontrunner Donald Trump as a terrorist while comparing his followers to ISIS recruits.
Abdul-Jabbar penned a column in Time Magazine where he attacked Trump for his rhetoric and declared "the Trump campaign meets the definition" of terrorism.
"'Go ahead and burn the Constitution — just don't hurt me at the mall.' That's how effective this terrorism is. I'm not talking about ISIS. I'm talking about Donald Trump," he wrote.
Abdul-Jabbar called Trump "the perfect Manchurian Candidate" who "preys on the fears of the public" and is accomplishing the job of ISIS in America.
"While Trump is not slaughtering innocent people, he is exploiting such acts of violence to create terror here to coerce support. As I have written before, his acts could be interpreted as hate crimes," Abdul-Jabbar declared.
Abdul-Jabbar said it is "shameful" that his supporters refuse to acknowledge that his rhetoric and proposals "run contrary to American values."
He noted that ISIS recruits fall victim to the same tactics as Trump supporters because they are easily misled and brainwashed.
"They are impervious to facts or truth because their (understandable) frustration and anger at partisan greed and incompetence have fatigued them out of critical thinking," he wrote.
Since Trump has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States he has seen increasing criticism from politicians and public figures, while simultaneously receiving a boost in polling. Terrorism and national security is currently considered the most important issues facing Americans according to polls.
Abdul-Jabbar, however, says Trump's candidacy and proposal is a lost cause.
"Trump's claims that he might support registering Muslims as well as call for a ban of Muslims from entering the United States — even U.S. citizens abroad — have elevated him to the level of a James Bond super-villain. And like those villains, he is doomed to failure," he wrote.
Abdul-Jabbar challenged some of the statistics Trump posts on Twitter regarding black on white crime, saying the GOP frontrunner has been caught "lying."
"Electing him would be like asking the clown at a child's birthday party to start juggling chainsaws," he declared.
The former basketball star and hall of famer has been critical of Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, calling him "terrible for Black Americans."
Trump picked up the endorsement of the New England Police Benevolent Association which could buttress his lead in the important New Hampshire primary.
"Great evening last night in New Hampshire. Got the endorsement from the New England Police Union — big territory, great people! Thank you," Trump declared Friday on Twitter.
Dutch political figure Geert Wilders too has offered his support to the notable billionaire. Wilders has been an outspoken critic of what he calls the "Islamisation of the Netherlands."
"I hope @realDonaldTrump will be the next US President. Good for America, good for Europe. We need brave leaders," Wilders tweeted Monday.
The Dutch figure also posted several more pro-Trump posts on social media, rallying to support his proposal for a temporary ban of Muslims entering the U.S.