Kevin Sorbo gains thousands of social media followers after media attacks him for Starbucks tweet

Actor and outspoken Christian Kevin Sorbo took to Twitter to share a joke about Starbucks and the coffee chain's mask mandate. While many corporate media outlets slammed Sorbo's views, the actor said their efforts backfired as he now has thousands of new followers on social media.
“I’m not proud of this but I just made a scene in public for the first time in my life. I walked into Starbucks and they asked me to put a mask on. I yelled this is BS. I turned around and walked out. I know what you’re thinking… My first mistake was walking into a Starbucks!” the Los Angeles resident tweeted, taking aim at Starbucks and its leftist reputation.
However, some assumed the “Hercules” star was being serious and were quick to criticize him. Several news outlets shared some of the tweets targeting Sorbo in an attempt to poke fun at his views.
“The Left has nothing but anger and hate in their lives. They love destruction,” Sorbo told The Christian Post in response to the media attention his tweet received.
“That was a joke that someone sent to me. I don’t even drink coffee, by the way,” he added. “I find it so amazing that the Left is just the gift that keeps on giving. They look for things to be offended by all the time."
Sorbo revealed that he does “appreciate” the outrage, however, because it “added 5,000 more people onto my Twitter.”
“They have no sense of humor whatsoever,” the “Let There Be Light” actor continued. “They hate me for being a capitalist, they hate me for loving America. They should all move to a lovely little utopia of communism and leave America alone.”
A tweet pinned on Sorbo’s Twitter page since December 2020 gives insight into the actor’s views on the COVID-19 restrictions in the United States.
“Raise your hand if you’re more concerned about losing your Constitutional rights than you are about Covid,” he tweeted.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health recently reinstated its order on face coverings. However, Sheriff Alex Villanueva, the county's top law enforcement official, said the county would not be legally enforcing the mandate.
“Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted COVID-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines,” Villanueva said on Friday.
In February, Facebook removed Sorbo from its platform because of his posts about the novel coronavirus and vaccines.
“We removed Kevin Sorbo’s page for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,” Facebook stated, according to Fox News.
However, Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has made statements opposing the COVID-19 vaccine. In a leaked video, Zuckerberg is seen warning Facebook employees against the vaccines, stating, " ... we just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA."
In a past interview, Sorbo's wife, Sam, defended her husband: “Facebook just took him down without ceremony, just digital assassination and then buried the body," she told CP.
Kevin Sorbo added that he believes censorship is something people should stand up against.
“We got to fight back,” the actor said. “Apathy is a big killer and I think a lot of people on the Right just say, 'Oh, what can we do? We can't do anything; media owns everything.'”
"I think we just got to raise our voice and be a little more strong,” he added. “We have to have the same passion that the Left has, on the Right, without the hate and anger and divisiveness. We just have to have the same strong passion.”
Jeannie Ortega Law is a reporter for The Christian Post. Reach her at: She's also the author of the book, What Is Happening to Me? How to Defeat Your Unseen Enemy Follow her on Twitter: @jlawcp Facebook: JeannieOMusic