Lady Gaga calls herself Christian, slams Mike Pence as 'worst' Christian

While declaring herself a Christian on Saturday, singer Lady Gaga slammed Vice President Mike Pence as the worst example of a disciple of the faith for supporting his wife’s decision to work at a Christian school that doesn’t endorse homosexual behavior.
“To Mike Pence who thinks it's acceptable that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ. You are wrong," Gaga said in a recording from her performance at Park MGM in Las Vegas that was shared on Twitter. "You said you should not discriminate against Christianity. You are the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian."
She continued: “I am a Christian woman, and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice and everybody is welcome. So you can take all that disgrace, Mr. Pence, and look yourself in the mirror and you’ll find it right there.”
Since his wife, Karen, accepted a part-time job teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, the vice president has been forced to defend her right to live out her Christian faith.
“My wife and I have been in the public eye for quite a while. We’re used to the criticism,” Pence told Eternal Word Television Network. “But I have to tell you, to see major news organizations attacking Christian education, is deeply offensive to us.”
The mainstream media called out the second lady for working at a school that requires employees to agree that marriage is between a man and a woman and parents to sign documentation acknowledging that students who engage in homosexual behavior may be denied entry in the school.
"We have a rich tradition in America of Christian education and, frankly, religious education broadly defined. We celebrate it. The freedom of religion is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution prohibits a religious test for holding a public office and so we’ll let the other critics roll off our back, but this criticism of Christian education in America should stop,” Pence said last Thursday.
Christians have, meanwhile, called out the "ignorance" of the mainstream media's coverage.
"Vice President Pence’s wife Karen has come under withering attack in recent days from many in the media. From this 'reporting, one might think she has transgressed some obvious social boundary of a civilized society. In reality, the big 'scoop' is that this Christian wife and mother, whose Christian beliefs are important to her, is teaching at a Christian school, which being Christian, holds to Christian beliefs about marriage," said Travis Weber, vice president for Policy at Family Research Council.
"Yet you wouldn’t know that from reading the headlines about her, which lead the reader to believe that the driving force of Karen’s actions is the targeting of those who identify as LGBT. As we’ve seen over and over again, those perpetrating such claims negligently (and often willfully) mischaracterize our faith."
American Family Association President Tim Wildmon asked, “Do we want to live in a country where Christians who hold to biblical teachings on sexuality and marriage are harassed and hounded, or counted as illegitimate government servants or school teachers?"
Conservative write David French wrote last Thursday: “Simply put, this is Christianity 101, and if the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN find it problematic enough to report that Christians are Christians, then it’s rather clear that institutional support for gay marriage under civil law is now veering into institutional hostility against Christian orthodoxy and against the basic free exercise of the Christian faith."
Rod Dreher, an editor at The American Conservative, also argued, “Christian schools having moral codes is not news … The attempted shaming of Karen Pence is a condensed symbol for the elite secular left’s hatred of conservative Christians and our morals and mores.”