Lila Rose Blasts Senators Who Voted Against Obamacare Repeal to Defund Planned Parenthood

After U.S. Senate Republicans failed to get the necessary votes to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood, Live Action President and founder Lila Rose criticized those who opposed the bill, saying their decision will lead to the killing of "900 innocent preborn children every day."
"Because of the Senate's failure to act, the American people will be forced to continue giving over a half billion dollars a year to Planned Parenthood so it can keep its doors open and continue to kill 900 innocent preborn children every day," Rose said in a statement to The Christian Post on Friday.
In the early hours Friday, Republican Sens. John McCain, Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, joined Democrats to reject the Obamacare repeal bill in a 49–51 vote.
"Three Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let Obamacare implode, then deal. Watch!" President Donald Trump tweeted after the vote.
The bill would have defunded Planned Parenthood and repealed key parts of Obamacare, getting rid of the individual and employer mandates in the healthcare plan," The Hill reported Friday.
Rose added: "Lives are at stake, yet Senators Murkowski and Collins and almost every Democrat in the Senate sided with big abortion, with many repaying Planned Parenthood for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions the abortion chain has made to them."
Rose furtther asserted that Planned Parenthood "continues to lie about the innocent lives they take and the abuses they hide in their facilities — including the cover up of child sexual abuse, the aiding of sex traffickers, the misinformation pushed on women, the promotion of sex selection abortion, and the trafficking of baby parts of the children killed in their facilities."
Following Friday's vote, Planned Parenthood announced that it's sending superhero capes to the senators who opposed the bill.
"We're delivering #IStandWithPP capes to all the senators who voted against #Trumpcare. Thank you for protecting our care!" it wrote in a tweet.
In January, an annual report that analyzes how the abortion industry is wasting taxpayer money detailed how Planned Parenthood and other publicly-funded abortion clinics' fraudulent overbilling practices had cost federal taxpayers at least $130 million.
The report released by the law firm Alliance Defending Freedom and the education arm of the pro-life lobbying organization Susan B. Anthony list, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, highlighted findings from available audits of Planned Parenthood affiliates and state family planning programs. It suggested that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates were "engaged in a pattern of practices designed to maximize their bottom-line revenues through billings to complex, well-funded federal and state programs that are understaffed and rely on the integrity of the provider for program compliance."
Rose said the fight is "far from over."
"The pro-life community and millions of Americans will continue to work toward the day when abortion facilities are no longer propped up by the taxpayers, when killing their own children is no longer offered to women as some kind of personal empowerment, and when the rights of innocent preborn children are fully protected by the law."