5 Major Media Blunders Uncovered This Month About Donald Trump

President Donald Trump and mainstream American news media have often found themselves at odds with each other, with the commander-in-chief labeling any stories he disagrees with "fake news."
Since the month of December began, assorted major news media outlets have had to walk back a few news stories that were critical of the Trump administration.
These issues range from something like Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel tweeting a misleading photo of a Trump rally's crowd size to more serious stories about supposed evidence of Russian collusion.
"I don't think most people in the media fully grasp how dangerous this situation is, both in terms of preserving the Fourth Estate and in terms of preserving our jobs," wrote one CNN political commentator on The Daily Beast's website.
"My primary beef isn't with the reporters who make mistakes. It is with the media outlets and commentators who don't take these mistakes seriously."
What follows are five times so far this month that mainstream media outlets have given the Trump administration fuel for its "fake news" accusations.