Molecular Geneticist Attempts to Prove All Humans Descended From 'Original Human Couple' Adam and Eve in New Documentary

A well-respected molecular geneticist who works for Christian apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis is featured in a new documentary where she attempts to confirm, through recent scientific discoveries, that all humans descended from the biblical Adam and Eve.
This documentary, titled "The Genetics of Adam and Eve," displays the validity of the creation story by examining the genetics of all people. Its creator, Dr. Georgia Purdom, a geneticist who has published papers in various scientific journals including the Journal of Neuroscience, recently spoke to Christian News Network about the project.
"A historical Adam and Eve and original sin are the foundation of the Gospel," said Purdom. "The bad news, sin and death, begins in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve sinned."
"One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial DNA research done by creation geneticist, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson," added Purdom. "He clearly shows that the common human female ancestor of us all (biblical Eve) lived within the biblical timeframe of several thousand years ago."
Purdom said Jeanson's work debunks claims made by evolutionists that devolved creatures that eventually became humans were alive 100,000 years ago. She also discusses the notion of humans and chimpanzees sharing a common ancestor.
"In addition, genetics clearly show that humans and chimps do not share a common ancestor. There are many, many differences in their DNA that completely undermine the possibility of shared ancestry only a few million years ago," said Purdom, who believes the documentary will help Christians to better defend the Bible.
Purdom works with Answers in Genesis, an organization that holds to a Young Earth (6,000 years old) Creationist theory, and interprets the seven-day biblical account found in the book of Genesis literally.
The group's President and CEO Ken Ham has debated scientists such a Bill Nye over the origins of the Earth and mankind. He also helped to launch the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, which highlights the group's core beliefs, including proving that humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together and debunking the theory of evolution.
Ham's group even takes aim at Christians who disagree with their views and most recently criticized the NBC originals series "A.D. The Bible Continues," a show based on the New Testament book of Acts, for not being true enough to its source material.
"Theologically and historically, the writers of this show have been sloppy at best and calculating agenda-driven at the expense of Scripture at worst. Indeed 'A.D.' for this 12th (and final for now) installment stands for 'Absolutely Dismal,'" wrote Answers in Genesis in a review of the series.
"There are several plot lines deliberately left unresolved and some are even 'cliffhangers.' We hope this does not mean that the series will be revived after a brief hiatus. Unfortunately, with this bad of a TV episode, there can be little to look forward to in subsequent shows if there are any."
Aside from criticizing opposing views from other groups, Answers in Genesis also stands for religious freedom in the U.S.
In December of 2014, the organization sponsored a sign that was posted in New York City's Times Square that featured a cross with the words "Thank God for Freedom" underneath. Ham discussed the placement of the sign at the time.
"I am thrilled that the Cross of Christ will be seen in the most-watched place in the world on this day," said Ham in a statement issued by Answers in Genesis.
The documentary won't be broadcast on television or online, but is available for purchse on the Answers in Genesis website.