New Age Writer-Turned-Born-Again Christian Steven Bancarz Exposes Demonic Deception of the Occult

Former New Age writer Steven Bancarz, who amassed a fortune from his website, became a born-again Christian last September and is now on a mission to expose this dark spirituality for what it really is: a demonic deception.
In an inspiring video testimony posted on Facebook back in April that has since been viewed over 750,000 times — over 1 million times if you aggregate all of social media — Bancarz shares how Jesus Christ liberated him from the snares of the occult.
The 23-year-old native of Ontario, Canada, told The Christian Post that although he was raised in a Christian household the enemy seized upon his spiritually curious soul when he was in high school. In a remarkably short time he was steeped in occultic practices and built a website (now defunct) called Spirit Science and Metaphysics that was generating an average of $40,000 per month in ad revenue alone.
CP asked Bancarz to explain how all this began.
Though the deception took root gradually over the course of a few years, Bancarz said, "I can pinpoint it from having started when I was exposed to a program on the History Channel called "Ancient Aliens."
"It teaches ancient astronaut theory that mythologies and fables from the ancient world are really of ancient man being visited by extraterrestrial beings from outer space who they then describe as being gods."
In the 11th grade he began studying and researching the subject obsessively, noting that once one starts exploring aliens you can't help but get into other New Age topics, like the non-locality of consciousness and other spooky information involving ley lines and ancient wisdom. Bancarz grew particularly fond of philosophers who were skilled at bridging the gap between science and occultism.
"That was right up my alley because it made me feel as though there was a method of spirituality and a method of living out ones spirituality that was confirmable through the scientific method, through science. And that made more sense to me holistically than any of the other world religions," Bancarz recounts.
Thus, he started building a platform on Facebook and writing well-sourced articles on New Age spirituality and his work quickly drew many readers. Because of his large, organic reach and the connections he was making, a friend encouraged him to launch a website. He did so in January 2014 and summarily started raking in some big bucks and bought a sports car, a house, and — like many New Age types — ate a steady diet of pricey, high-quality organic, non-GMO food.