Pastor Paula White Claims July Is 'Prophetically Designated for Victory Over Enemies;' Suggests $229 'Breakthrough Seed' Donation

In a newsletter emailed to supporters this week, Florida pastor Paula White claims that God has shown her that "this is a season of victory for His people." The Christian minister also reveals a strong feeling "that a seed of $229 in accordance with 1 Chronicles 22:9 is a breakthrough seed for the month of July," and declares to recipients of her newsletter, "Do not hesitate to follow a prophetic instruction!"
White, who formerly led Without Walls Church International with ex-husband Randy White, is senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida.
In a newsletter emailed on Thursday to Paula White Ministries supporters, and titled "This Email Will Change Your Life!" White asserts: "YOU are on the verge of complete breakthrough in every area of your life. Spiritually, Financially, and Relationally God has shown me that this is a season of victory for His people."
"As I went deeper in the Spirit the Lord revealed that before the breakthrough comes, certain things must be dealt with. Specifically, there must be a complete defeat of your enemies! I need to explain the importance of this to you, so do not let this email go unread," the newsletter signed "Paula" adds.
White goes on to suggest that 1 Chronicles 22:7-8 reveals that King David was unable to fully realize his dream of building the Temple because "he only secured complete victory over his enemies at an age too old to build!"
"This is why God told me to specifically address the area of defeat over enemies," White declares, continuing in all caps: "JULY IS PROPHETICALLY DESIGNATED FOR VICTORY OVER ENEMIES FOR THOSE WHO ALIGN THEMSELVES WITH ME IN THIS SEASON! DO NOT HESITATE!" It was not clear if the "me" in the minister's newsletter refers to herself, or if she is claiming to speak on behalf of God.
After breaking down what she says are the "7 principles" recipients of the newsletter "must know," White insists that they also "must know" how to "legally engage the enemy" in their life "for his unconditional defeat."
"Part of the legal engagement is in your following prophetic instruction," explains the newsletter. "July is YOUR month of deliverance from your enemy. After July, you will enter your season of rest that you may accomplish your dreams."
White goes on to insist that she has a special teaching that will help supporters attain deliverance from their enemies.
"But first you must get what I have to teach you," writes White.
"I feel strongly that a seed of $229 in accordance with 1 Chronicles 22:9 is a breakthrough seed for the month of July. It is a turnaround, God ordained, demon slaying, abundance bringing seed. Not only will this seed defeat your enemies, but I believe it will bring about an unexpected abundance of miracles. Do not hesitate to follow a prophetic instruction!"

In 1 Chronicles 22:9, King David tells his son Solomon of the message he received from God: "But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign."
If recipients of the Paula White Ministries newsletter are unable to "produce" the 1 Chronicles-inspired $229 "seed" or "offering," then, they are told, "get a seed of $31 or more for the 31 days in July and 1 Chronicles 22:9 (22+9=31)."
On the product pages at, the monetary figures for White's "Defeating Your Enemy Package" are labeled as "gifts" and "donations," as Paula White Ministries is a nonprofit, or charitable organization.
In exchange for their donations of either $229 or $31, supporters receive White's three-part teaching series, "The Depths of Satan" on how to "overcome and defeat" the devil's tactics; and also a book titled Binding The Strong Man by Archbishop N. Duncan-Williams, described on his official Facebook page as "a pioneer of the charismatic movement in Ghana."
While it is common for Christian ministries to solicit financial donations from supporters, oftentimes providing free resources as a token of gratitude, it is rare for the solicitation to be packaged as prophecy, or with such unction as special revelation from God.
Evangelist Benny Hinn made a similar appeal to supporters last month, encouraging them to step up to "higher seed-level giving" by donating $1,000 to his ministry. The televangelist suggested that supporters would enter a "new dimension of favor and increase" if they took on the challenge.
White, who is described on her ministry website as a "pastor, teacher, author, international evangelist, inspirational figure, popular TV personality…woman of God," has been engaged in Christian ministry since the late '80s. She claims to support through her ministry "hundreds of local and international outreaches." Her list of accolades and official recognitions include the 2011 Impact Leadership Award during the 5th Annual International Financial and Leadership Summit, the 2009 Humanitarian Award by the Trumpet Award Foundation, the 2007 Behind the Bench "Mind, Body Spirit Award" from the NBA Wives Organization, and many others.
White, dubbed a prosperity preacher by some Christians, was among six televangelists, including Hinn, targeted in 2007 by the Senate Committee on Finance for possible abuse of her ministry's nonprofit status. While the minister submitted a financial report to the committee, she failed to disclose her full financial dealings with her church and related ministry.
White, 48, and former husband Randy White grew Without Walls International Church into a mega-ministry in the late 1990s, making it one of the top 10 largest churches in Tampa, Florida. White eventually cut all ties with WWIC, and after the 2011 death of Zachery Tims, was installed, with much controversy, as his successor at New Destiny Christian Center.