Pastor Touré Roberts Wants to Help People Become Whole With New Book

Pastor Touré Roberts is working on his second book, Wholeness: Winning in Life from the Inside Out, and says he hopes it will help people reach their full potential.
The pastor of The Potter's House Denver and One LA described the process of being whole for people from all walks of life.
"The process of becoming whole is like a perpetual heart, mind, and soul makeover, with a better you emerging all the time," Roberts said in a statement obtained by The Christian Post. "It doesn't matter if you're a single parent, successful business person, or celebrity. At the core, our issues are the same and the solution is the same — becoming whole."
A description of Wholeness says the book aims to help people remove "invisible boundaries" from their lives.
"Roberts brilliantly lays forth the truth that in order to live an outer life without limits, we have to uncover and address the inner limitations that hide in our blindspots," the description says. "Roberts explains we can't always choose the experiences that keep us from being whole, but we can take control of our lives today and bring healing to any broken area."
While it seems Roberts, who is married to fellow preacher Sarah Jakes Roberts, has been reaching his highest potential by authoring two books and pastoring two churches, he once struggled with One Church LA. In a previous interview with the Los Angeles Sentinel, he explained that knowing God gifted him with a vision kept him going during tough times.
"In 2002, God said plant the church and He showed me a vision of what the church would look like. From 2002 until now, I didn't see the fullness of what He said but you have to rely on what you heard," he said. "Life is about sowing and reaping. One of the difficult things with that process is when you sow something, you put it in the ground and that thing is invisible and it's not up to you to determine when that seed is going to become the tree that you saw in your vision."
Roberts' book will be available on Feb. 6, 2018.