
PCUSA: The Wrong Side of Eternity

The church in drag is here. Not content in some quarters with God's design, she seeks a gender change to become an artificial creation of man's vain imagination. But it's not a good look.

The progressive Christian bandwagon has a rainbow flag, men in pink feather boas, and Democratic Party politicians. And as certain apostate churches jump on, I think Jesus might be jumping off.

The Presbyterian Church USA is now fully on board with same-sex "marriages," a decision made at its recent meeting in Detroit. This wayward group already embraced homosexual clergy several years back. The recent General Assembly meeting also voted down defending babies born alive in spite of attempted abortion-i.e., this denomination is in the same camp as convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell.

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The liberal hierarchy also voted to divest the denomination of certain stock connected with Israel. The Israelis are the bad guys and the Palestinians are perennial victims, and a majority in the PCUSA has bought this pro-Islam, anti-Semitic baloney.

The good news is that many in their flock will flee from the decisions of the foolish leaders, a division that could have been predicted. But self-destruction follows spiritual and sexual anarchy, and its rotten fruits are stinking up huge swaths of the American plain, along with outposts of the professing Christian church.

It's not just the leftist Presbyterians. The United Church of Christ just proudly announced sponsorship of the "Gay" Games in Cleveland in August. This denomination has been on a radical path for forty years, with today's UCC considered a partner in "gay" activism by the extremist Human Rights Campaign.

UCC is joined by a diverse array of other liberal denominations as faith partners of the "Gay" Games: PCUSA, Episcopal, United Methodist, and Unitarians (who never claim to be Christians, so at least they are honest).

And then there's this group as a "Gay Games" sponsor: The Tyrian Network. Here's how they describe themselves:

We are an intentional learning community founded in the year 2000 on Kelleys Island, Ohio, and dedicated to Brigid, both the goddess and the saint. We named the organization for the Tyrian color of Brigid's legendary mantle.

Intentional-what does that even mean? Intentionally rebellious? Pretentious?

Essentially, they are pagans. Not too shocking that the LGBT community flirts with heresy in all directions, even heavenward. But probing a little further on the Tyrian web site, you find out that one of the intentional founders is Dagmar Celeste, the rather controversial ex-wife of ex-governor of Ohio, Dick Celeste. He was, predictably, a Democrat.

The Tyrians are only living out honestly what has been popular among compromised Christian denominations for a long time: trying to transform Christian concepts into blasphemy without calling it that, jumping recklessly into earth worship, goddess rituals, and sexual license.

This bold move backwards into ancient barbarism has been led by feminist "theologians" and, unsurprisingly, mainline denominations are now chock full of small women's groups gathering to worship female deities and practice sorcery. Even though they think they can call on the Almighty with rituals invoking whatever spirits grab their fancy, He has already told us what He thinks about all this:

When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. (Deuteronomy 18: 9-12 NIV)

But was God really serious about all that? The United Church of Christ and the Presbyterians can only hope not, because they've been on this track for a while. As the Presbyterians and UCC embrace occult practices, homosexuality, bisexuality, men who want to be women, and women who want to be men, they are just obeying the call to personal chaos of the dark spirits influencing them.

Back in 1993, PCUSA was a primary sponsor of a conference on "Re-Imagining God," where hundreds of women gave tribute to the goddess "Sophia" and lesbianism was celebrated. Plenty of UCC churchwomen were in attendance along with representatives from the Episcopal Church USA, United Methodist Church, Roman Catholics, ELCA Lutherans, and the Congregational church.

The conference caused a huge uproar, and the PCUSA denomination lost 38,000 members, suffering dramatic financial loss. But Satan continued to plant deep roots that would sprout thorns and thistles of apostasy. These defiant women gathered for more Re-Imagining conferences over the ensuing years.

The PCUSA as a whole did not listen either. In 2010, the opening ceremony of the PCUSA was described as follows:

The capitulation to multiculturalism was on full display in the 2010 opening ceremonies for the Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly.
 The convocation's worship service included a processional led by devotees dressed as buffalo, eagles, skunks, rabbits, and wolves performing Native American rituals perhaps best dedicated to worship of the Sky Father rather than to Jesus Christ.

And where has the United Church of Christ gone? Not toward repentance and renewal. A UCC church in Sarasota just hosted a conference with radical New Ager Matthew Fox , who advocates "creation spirituality," "gender justice" and the awakening of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine. Whatever happened to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

A St. Petersburg UCC church just held an interfaith service on Earth Day, 2014, including worship led by a Native American shaman, a Buddhist, a Muslim invoking Allah, and a Hindu. The site proudly includes the UCC slogan, "God is still speaking" with an oversized quotation mark in rainbow colors. Apparently these folks believe the voices they are hearing are God, telling them He's changed His mind about those Bible verses on "abominations" and such.

A paper written by a UCC female member explains how she came to follow "Sophia" and believe that this was all okay and even biblical-sort of. She explains how the superiority of the divine feminine further evolved in her understanding, that "…Some contemporary scholars have suggested that Jesus and John the Baptist were understood in their time to be actual prophets of the feminine Sophia (Lady Wisdom)."

So now Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is working for Sophia! How convenient for feminists that the Top Guy gets put in His place-at least in their twisted thinking.

How does homosexuality follow from heresy and idolatry? Seems to be a natural outgrowth, according to the Apostle Paul:

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator–who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:25-27 NIV)

Despite the parades and pride, the same sex unions and court successes, time will reveal these unfaithful former Christians are on the decidedly wrong side of history. Far more importantly, without repentance, they will be on the wrong side of eternity. And eternity is a long time.

Linda Harvey is president and founder of Mission America and host of a radio talk show 880 AM WRFD (Columbus). Linda is author of the book, "Maybe He's Not Gay: Another View on Homosexuality."

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