Planned Parenthood Fires Workers If Abortion Quotas Aren't Met, Former Clinic Manager Says

Planned Parenthood "fires" employees if abortion quotas are not met by clinics, a former Planned Parenthood clinic manager-turned pro-life activist Abby Johnson said Wednesday.
Johnson, who spent eight years at a clinic in Texas and left Planned Parenthood in 2009 after witnessing an unborn baby fighting for its life during a live ultrasound-guided abortion procedure, spoke to The Christian Post about her invitation to speak at Georgetown University on April 20, the same day Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards is scheduled to speak at the Catholic school.

Johnson, who now runs an organization that encourages abortion clinic employees to leave the abortion industry called Then There Were None, was asked during the interview to refute the claim made by Planned Parenthood supporters that the abortion giant offers vital health services.
Johnson argued that even though Planned Parenthood offers services and products like contraception and screenings for sexually transmitted diseases, every service that Planned Parenthood offers is designed to lead customers to come back to Planned Parenthood as abortion customers when faced with unplanned pregnancies.
She added that abortion is Planned Parenthood's "product to sell" and part of its "business model."
"Every service that Planned Parenthood provides leads back to abortion. People always talk about the services that they offer, why do they offer that? Do they want to reduce the abortion rate?" Johnson asked. "No, absolutely not. If they wanted to reduce the abortion rates, they wouldn't impose abortion quotas inside their facilities — a certain number of abortions that abortion clinic has to sell."
Johnson then clarified the ramifications for clinics that do not meet the organization's abortion quotas.
"Then, people start being fired. They will fire employees and there are monetary bonuses for directors if you meet your quota," Johnson explained. "If you don't meet your quota, people get fired and you don't get your big bonus. That lends itself to coercion and manipulation in clinics since there are monetary benefits by meeting that quota."
Johnson was then asked if Planned Parenthood fires employees after one month of not meeting the quota or after consecutive months of not meeting the quota.
"It depends. There is not an exact formula. It depends on the clinic," Johnson said. "In our facilities, we lost 5 percent of our workforce because, overall, our facilities were not meeting that quota. That was after probably about two to three months, they started cutting people. So, we lost 5 percent."
In an interview with CP in 2014, Johnson issued a similar claim when she said clinic workers are more like "salespeople for abortion."
"Workers know there's a quota," Johnson asserted. "They become sales people for abortion, otherwise Planned Parenthood will lay off workers."
Johnson also addressed how Planned Parenthood comes up with acceptable quotas for clinics based on numbers from the previous year and the demographics of the area they are located.
"At my clinic, the last year I was there, we had a really successful fiscal year in 2009 with our abortion numbers — our numbers in general, but particularly our abortion numbers," she said. "When they were making our budget for fiscal year 2010 they looked at those numbers and said, 'OK, how many abortions do we think this clinic can bring in?' And that's how they come up with their quotas."
Johnson also told of how the COO at the Bryan, Texas clinic, who now serves as a Planned Parenthood CEO in the region, continuously stressed to the employees that every patient that comes in needs to be a revenue-generating visit.
Although Planned Parenthood and its supporters like to claim that only 3 to 10 percent of the services its clinics offer are abortions, Johnson explained that Planned Parenthood accountants manipulate the numbers.
"All of it boils down to how they bill for services," she said. "For example: an annual exam, pap smear, gonorrhea and chlamydia tests, and seven packs of birth control account for one visit and are billed as 10 services. But they unbundle for abortion, and count all services provided as one. We don't really know what the true numbers are because of the bundling and unbundling."
After Johnson left Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant unsuccessfully tried to get a permanent gag order placed on her so that she could not talk about what she saw in abortion clinics.
Johnson, the author of the book Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey across the Life Line, has helped over 217 abortion clinic workers and six full-time abortionists leave the abortion industry through her organization.