Planned Parenthood Abortionist Thanks God for 'Guiding My Hand' When Killing Babies

A Planned Parenthood abortionist was caught on videotape thanking God for helping her perform abortions as she stood next to a large photo of a 21-week-old aborted baby.
Pro-Life Action League's National Director Joe Scheidler was holding the large poster of the aborted baby when the abortionist walked up and stood next to the image to record a 4-minute "prayer" on her cell phone that turned into a pro-abortion speech outside an abortion conference that was held at the Palmer House Hilton hotel in Chicago, Illinois, on Nov. 16.
The demonstrators were protesting the North American Forum on Family Planning conference hosted by Planned Parenthood and the Society for Family Planning that featured abortionists Deborah Nucatola and Deborah VanDerhei who were caught in undercover videos discussing the harvesting of aborted babies' body parts for profit in an investigation released by the Center for Medical Progress last year.
The abortionist seen praying in the video released by the Pro-Life Action League earlier this week claims to provide "Christ-like love" to pregnant women, and says she feels God's "spirit and guiding hand in my work" and "the support of thy spirit."
"I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be here [at the abortion conference]," she said, "and to ask for you to touch the hearts of those that in their pride fail to have compassion and truly live the example of Christ and to love all.
"And to reserve judgment and to humble themselves before Thee as the all seeing and all knowing and magnanimous and loving being. And I would hope that you would soften their hearts and help them [pro-life activists] to see the cruelty and the damage that their actions lead to," she said in the prayer.
Pro-life activist Matt Yonke who witnessed the abortionist's 4-minute rant said in his post on the Pro-Life Action League's blog that it was the strangest prayer he had ever heard. But he also urged fellow pro-life advocates to remember that the abortionist seen in the video is "a child of God in need of our prayers and help."
"I've been organizing pro-life street protests for over eight years, and I don't know if I've ever seen anything as strange as the abortionist praying on a public sidewalk that I saw last Monday," Yonke said.
"I hope that what we as pro-lifers could learn from it is to pray for our opposition without impugning their motives or pretending we can read their hearts, which, as this abortionist correctly pointed out, we cannot know."