Potter's House Denver Pastor Chris Hill Accused of Affair With Married Member

Chris Hill, the married and popular senior pastor of The Potter's House Denver and mentee of megachurch preacher Bishop T. D. Jakes, has been accused of having an affair with a married parishioner with no interest of reconciling with his wife, Joy Turner Hill.
The allegations were reportedly made in a mass text message sent by his enraged wife to members of the 7,000-member church in Colorado.
The church's website notes that The Potter's House of Denver is an expansion of The Potter's House of Dallas led by Bishop Jakes. The Denver campus, however, is an independent church.
Pastor Chris and Joy Hill are also the face of The Potter's House of Denver's marriage ministry and recently promoted the "You're Still My Valentine" Banquet, held February 17, 2017.
Details of the controversial text message allegedly sent by Joy Turner Hill, however, indicated that the Christian couple are no longer each other's valentine.
The text message was first cited by the Obnoxious Television blog, which broke the news about the late Bishop Eddie Long's cancer last September.
"FYI Pastor called the police on me tonight because I yelled at him asking him to leave the house tonight and he wouldn't. I was upset because he won't stop having an affair with Shirnae, and I can't live like this anymore. They've been having an affair for SEVERAL months, and he finally admitted it yesterday (after I hired a private investigator to have them followed over the past 6 weeks). So since he wouldn't leave the house tonight. I threw his clothes in our DRY/EMPTY hot tub," Joy Hill reportedly said in the text message.
"I'm DONE covering for him!!! DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called one of our deacons (officer Everette Moore) And he came over tonight too...4 cops in total were at our home. They concluded that no crime was committed. He's painting me to be violent and irrational. I am neither. I am a wife who is devastated that her husband is cheating her...with her 'DAUGHTER'!!" the text continued.
The text further alleged that this wasn't the first time Pastor Hill had cheated on his wife.
"I have had a past history of that...8 years ago...for the same reason (him cheating)...we both were physical with each other, but I incriminated myself. Since that time, I have NEVER acted out in that manner again. I know the law. I learned my lesson the hard way.
"And to make matters worse, Shirnae FALSEY accused me of keying her car yesterday, and my husband believes her and told her to press charges against me. My grace for this is OVER!!!" the text said.
"I wanted you to hear this from me and not through the whisper campaign. Felt like I owed you the truth. I'm willing to work on our marriage, but pastor doesn't want it, and I can't make..."
The alleged other woman identified as "Shirnae" by Joy Hill is shown getting married in a 2014 photo of Facebook by Pastor Hill. She was allegedly an employee of the church during the affair. Other photos show Pastor Hill out and about with the woman and her husband Arthur.
The Obnoxious report said the text was sent to those in leadership at The Potter's House of Denver. It further noted that Pastor Hill has since taken a month away from the pulpit to deal with his marital issues.
The Christian Post made several calls to The Potter's House Denver church on Tuesday seeking confirmation of the report but the calls went unanswered and messages were not returned.
Contact was also made with The Potter's House led by Bishop Jakes and his wife Serita and a woman who described herself as a temporary receptionist said they could not comment on the state of affairs at The Potter's House Denver after consulting with her colleagues.
"I'm not sure about that," the receptionist said when asked about Hill stepping away from the pulpit.
According to his website, God has been using Pastor Hill to "help redefine both the scope and the influence of the post-modern pulpit. Throughout the past 25 years of his ministry, over 30 million people have heard his empowering message of life and hope."
He recently authored the book Walking to Jerusalem, which chronicles the life of David as he walks through 12 key cities of his destiny.
Pastor Hill, who has two sons with his wife, launched the Potter's House of Denver Church in the spring of 2010 with the blessing of Bishop Jakes.
"This inauspicious and improbable church plant has now grown to be one of the largest churches in Colorado. With a huge heart for people, God is using Dr. Hill to help lead this now over 7,000-member church, serving its community; establishing one of Denver's largest feeding programs, homeless initiatives, a prison ministry that serves over 10 prisons state wide, a worldwide television ministry and a free counseling center that cares for hundreds of people each month," his website says.