Preachers of LA's Deitrick Haddon Responds to T.D. Jakes' Rebuke of New Oxygen TV Show
Deitrick Haddon, the minister and gospel singer who appears on the Oxygen docu-series "Preachers of L.A." was shocked that his show received criticism from Bishop T.D. Jakes recently.

Jakes, the senior pastor of The Potter's House megachurch in Dallas, Texas, wanted to make sure his congregation knew that he is not using their financial contributions on personal gain after the first episode of the controversial show aired.
"Now, I know you been watching that junk on TV. I want to tell you right now, not one dime of what you're sowing right now will buy my suit. I want you to know my car is paid for," Jakes told his congregation Sunday, according to EEW magazine reports. "I want you to know I got my house on my own. I want you to know I'm not bling-blinging. I am not shake and bake. I had money when I came to Dallas and I plan to have some when I leave."
Haddon reacted to Jakes' criticism on the radio station PRAISE 102.5, where he admitted his shock.
"I have the absolute utmost respect for Bishop TD Jakes and what he represents. I considered him one of our generals in this generation," Haddon said. "I was a bit taken back and shocked when I saw his view on the show, being that he's a forefather in unorthodox, unconventional methods of sharing the Gospel, whether it be through MegaFest or partnering with comedians or Oprah."
Haddon's statements came after Jakes rebuked the spirit that caused people to think that financial contributions should go into preachers' pockets.
"You did not buy what I got. I had it when I came here. You know I had it when I came here. The devil is a lie," Jakes told his congregation last Sunday. "I have sold enough books and produced enough movies. I don't need your offering to pay for this little slimy suit. So I rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ."
Haddon appears alongside Bishop Noel Jones of the City of Refuge Church, Bishop Clarence McClendon of Full Harvest International Church, Pastor Wayne Chaney of Antioch Church of Long Beach, Bishop Ron M. Gibson of Life Church of God In Christ and Pastor Jay Haizlip of The Sanctuary Church. The show airs Wednesday nights on the Oxygen Network at 10 p.m. ET.