Pro-Lifers Demand FDA Stop Buying Aborted Baby Body Parts for Mice Experiments

Pro-Life groups are calling on the Department of Health and Human Services to put a halt to a recent contract allowing for the purchase of aborted babies' tissue for mice experiments.
CNS News reported Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration, which is part of HHS, had signed a new contract last month to get "fresh" human fetal tissue to transplant into "humanized mice" so to give the rodents a functioning "human immune system."
"Fresh human tissues are required," explained a "presolicitation notice" for the contract CNS News quoted from, "for implantation into severely immune-compromised mice to create chimeric animals that have a human immune system."
Lila Rose, founder and president of the group Live Action, said in a statement released Tuesday that the contract acquiring aborted babies' tissue was "immoral and horrific."
"By issuing a contract to acquire human fetal tissue, the FDA is using American tax dollars to pay for human body parts that can only be acquired from aborted babies," said Rose.
"These children deserved care and protection, but instead were violently stripped of their fundamental rights and are now being sold piecemeal."
Rose also explained that the company FDA is contracting with, Advanced Bio Resources, is presently under a federal investigation regarding its potential ties to Planned Parenthood's alleged illegal sale of aborted baby body parts for profit.
"We call on the FDA to terminate its contract with ABR immediately and cease the experimentation on the bodies of aborted children," added Rose.
Cathy Ruse, senior fellow for Legal Studies with the Family Research Council, also denounced the FDA's contract for fetal tissue, calling it "shocking" and "upsetting."
"Every part of this transaction is a tragedy," said Ruse. "A woman is driven to abort her baby, too often by coercion or abandonment, and there in the shadows is a government contractor waiting to tear apart the baby's body to deliver pieces in exchange for payment."
In June, the House Appropriations Committee released a draft bill that included a ban on the National Institutes of Health from using fetal tissue acquired through elective abortions.
Ruse of FRC explained that she and her organization "agree with that restriction, and do not believe that HHS and the FDA should approve research of this kind."
"The FDA owes the American people an explanation as to how such a contract could have been approved. Americans demand to have a more ethical government — one that does not traffic in the remains of human beings," said Ruse.