Richard Dawkins Says God Is 'Lazy' and Creation Is a 'Mess;' Ken Ham Argues Evolution Is an 'Anti-God Religion'

Atheist author and biologist Richard Dawkins recently called God "lazy" for creating a world which is a "mess." Answers in Genesis Ken Ham responded by stating that Dawkins is confused, because he chooses not to trust the Bible, and called evolution an "anti-God religion."
In a comedic video posted earlier this month, Dawkins is seen talking to a character called "Mr. Deity," who supposedly represents the biblical God. The author of The God Delusion tells the character: "As a biologist I am uniquely qualified to understand just how lazy you've been."
He brings up examples of what he finds to be imperfections in nature, such as the human eye retina being positioned backwards, and adds: "It's just so clear that no intelligent being had a hand in this mess."
Ham, who often comments on social issues on his AiG blog, said that Dawkins' mistake is that he's choosing to trust "his religion of evolution and millions of years" instead of the Bible.
"You see, the universe is governed by laws of nature. But in a random, material universe that supposedly arose naturalistically, where do set, immaterial laws of nature come from? And what makes these laws operate the same way tomorrow as they do today?" Ham asked.
"There are no real answers to these questions in an atheistic worldview. But there is a Creator, and He set the laws of nature in place at the beginning. And we can trust that these laws will work the same tomorrow as they did today because our unchanging God upholds and sustains the universe (Hebrews 1:3)."
Ham, who advocates for a literal interpretation of Genesis, said that doubting God's account of the creation of the world can lead to doubting the entire Gospel.
"Really, billions of years and evolution are an anti-God religion, and we must recognize them as such. Satan is very clever and is using the same attack he used on Eve, the Genesis 3 attack of 'did God really say?' to make people question God's clear Word. Ultimately, he wants to lead people to reject God entirely, like Dawkins does," Ham, who also leads the Creation Museum in Kentucky, continued.
"This is why it is so important to stand on the authority of God's Word from the very beginning, give solid answers, and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world."
The age of the planet and the topic of evolution is a controversial one among Christians, with various denominations holding different beliefs. The Roman Catholic Church, the largest Christian body in the world, positions that evolution is compatible with the Bible.
A June 2014 poll by Gallup found that 42 percent of Americans who responded to the survey believe that God created humans in their present form, while 31 percent said that humans underwent evolution, which was guided by God. Another 19 percent, a number which has been steadily on the rise since 1982, said that humans evolved with God having no part in the process.