Satanists to Pour Blood Over Virgin Mary, Perform Satanic Ceremonies Over Christmas

Satanic groups in America are getting ready to perform Satanic ceremonies and rituals such as pouring blood over a Virgin Mary statue this Christmastime, a Catholic civil rights organization has warned.
"In a world where Christians are routinely being murdered and raped in the name of God, even non-believers must be curious about the rise of Satanism. Here at home we are also witnessing a surge in Satanic attacks," the Catholic League's Bill Donohue wrote in a press release this week.
Donohue pointed out that the Satanic Temple's chapter in Detroit is preparing for a "Satanic ceremony" at the grounds of Michigan's Capitol this weekend, aimed at countering a nativity scene.
The group, which raised over $2,500 from supporters to perform its upcoming event, announced on Friday that it also plans to unveil a large statute dedicated to the devil in Detroit later in December.
The large 9-foot bronze statue of Baphome, which reportedly weighs one ton and is made of bronze, "is intended to complement and contrast the Ten Commandments monument that already resides on Oklahoma State Capitol grounds," claims the group.
"The statue will serve as a beacon calling for compassion and empathy among all living creatures," the Satanists add.
In a separately planned event, an Oklahoma City satanist is planning to pour costume blood over a Virgin Mary statue outside of St. Joseph Old Cathedral on Christmas Eve.
"The purpose of the blood is to add another layer of corruption to Mary, which is an emblem of the Catholic Church," said Adam Daniels, explaining that he believes the virgin birth story of Jesus is a fraud.
The Satanist also revealed he is planning to cover the statue "in sulfur powder and ash."
In his press release, Donohue called out American media, who he argued have barely said a word of condemnation about such planned events.
"Take CNN: on December 13 it aired a very sympathetic show on Satanism. It even allowed an unnamed mother—she is a Satanist—to blame Christianity for her gay son's suicide, providing no evidence whatsoever," he added.
The CNN report in question looked to clarify supposed misconceptions about Satanists, noting that most followers of such groups do not literally believe in Satan, but are atheists.
The Satanic Temple explains: "We do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions."
The CNN report claimed that Satanists are not opposed to celebrating Christmas, though believe that Christians stole the holiday from pagan traditions.
The Satanic Temple group has especially been active this past year in promoting its beliefs, and in July reportedly asked supporters at an unveiling of a Satanic statue in Detroit to sign a contract that pledges their souls to Satan.
"I understand that my signature or mark representing any name, real or made up, upon these papers constitutes a lasting and eternal contract, and that there will be no further negotiations on the matter of my eternal soul," the contract read in part.