Today's Sexual Mores are Schizophrenic, Contradictory and Irrational

So the Boy Scouts (which I love) have decided the word "boy" in their name is the negotiable part of their endeavor. The Girls Scouts of America are furious (battle for market share). Many others are too, citing this as one more example of gender-bending in our culture. Used to be, everyone (even five-year-olds!) understood that girls and boys were different, and both could benefit from same-sex role models and mentors.
But we are suffering a sexual schizophrenia.
The sexual mores of the day are schizophrenic, contradictory and irrational. Consider the following, and then I'll tell you WHY they are that way:
This: Mike Pence is a FREAK and TALIBAN for setting boundaries with women to make sure he never pulls a Weinstein (abuses or is accused of abusing or being inappropriate with a woman).
But also this: Harvey Weinstein is HORRIBLE and AWFUL for doing the exact OPPOSITE of Pence.
This: Weinstein must be run out of Hollywood because he is the devil!
But also this: He was excellent as long as his letching was secret. His board, his company, and enough others knew about it that it made it into the script for 30 Rock, with that part written by Tina Fey. And everyone was ok with it.
This: Meryl Streep is HORRIFIED by Weinstein (although she called him "God" a few years ago at an awards ceremony.
But also this: Meryl Streep LED a standing ovation at the 2003 Academy Awards for Roman Polanski, even though everyone knows that he drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl, then fled the country. So she and Hollywood are on record as applauding a pedophile fugitive from justice.
This: Hillary Clinton on Weinstein: "I was just sick. I was shocked! I was appalled. It was something that was just...intolerable." And to be fair, she's echoing what many on the left are saying about Harvey Weinstein. That is excellent.
But also this: Hillary Clinton on Bill Clinton (Harvey's twin brother from a different mother-done all the Harvey stuff): the man I call husband, my lover, icon of the Democratic Party and the best President ever (not direct quote- just an innocent assumption since their marriage has lasted so long). And to be fair, she's echoing what many on the left are saying about Bill – "best President ever." Conspicuously missing? The word "intolerable."
This: The Feminist Movement: "I am woman, hear me roar! In numbers too big to ignore! Keep your hands off our bodies!"
But also this: The Feminist Movement: "Hey brother, give me some cash for my birth control pills! Pay for my abortions! I can't pay! I'm just a woman!"
This: Hollywood and the literary world love Stephen King and have made two movies based on his book, It. Super popular. And King is praised for tweeting that the President has a "severely *** ******* mind." Yayyy Stephen! He's a literary genius AND he's talking truth to power!
But also this: In King's book, It, SIX 11-YEAR-OLD BOYS HAVE SEX WITH AN 11-YEAR-OLD GIRL to defeat the evil (all caps means I'm yelling)! And apparently, it goes on for pages! It's fair to say King really is something of a pedophile. And apparently, child rape, sexual abuse, and sexual violence is common in King's writings.
This: Christians are flat-earthers and anti-science.
But this: California passed a law saying there are three genders.
AND ALSO THIS: Everyone knows the number of genders is like ... 382. Or 63. Or 23. Depends on which of the 695 million google results you click on. Which is insane and unscientific.
This: If you BELIEVE you're a pirate, want your eye gouged out so you can wear a patch, want your leg amputated so you can wear a peg leg, AND 50% people with your condition attempt suicide, everyone agrees you have a mental disorder. Even in today's PC culture, you'd be called crazy. Sympathy worthy. But still crazy.
But this: If you're a man and BELIEVE you're a woman, AND 50% of the people with your condition attempt suicide, real doctors – not mad scientists will happily amputate the male part of your body and pump you so full of hormones no one will ever accuse you of being "hormone free" or "NON-GMO" or "organic."
AND ALSO THIS: People will be outraged that you can't compete against women in sports. Or serve in the military. And people will demand the military pay for your amputation.
The list of conflicting and irrational beliefs about sexuality and sexual morality is never-ending. But the question that screams to be answered (at least in my head) is:
Simple. We have an enemy. And Jesus said he seeks to, "steal, kill, and destroy." And he loves to use sex to do all three. Why does he use sex?
Not everyone finds some form of murder enjoyable. Not everyone finds some form of lying tempting. Not everyone finds cursing God, rebelling against parents or stealing desirable. So Satan's reach on those things is somewhat limited.
BUT EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON ... had their start as the result of a man and a woman (no other genders involved) engaging in sex (invitro is still the joining together male/female genetic material). It's 100% universal! And God designed it to be awesome, to cause a man to "leave father and mother and cleave to his wife" in a physical and spiritual union called "one flesh" (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:15). There's no other relationship on the planet like it. And it's excellent.
So just like hacking a program which is in every computer, Satan can hack into the God-designed sexuality that is part of EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON, and wreak horrific havoc on ... anyone.
Women and children carry the brunt of the physical, emotional and economic destruction. I've never heard of a female Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein. 99% of rapists are men (important-only a small percentage of men commit rape so don't fear all men. But it's almost exclusively a male club). Vast majority of pedophiles? Men. When men become predators instead of protectors, they inflict much more damage to women and children than vice versa.
But men are destroyed too. Satan leverages them so that they give their most productive selves to wicked evil like predation, trafficking, pornography, adultery, pedophilia and slowly die in dissipation.
The Answer
There's only one answer, which drives most crazy. The only solution that fixes everything? Embrace God's design for sexuality. 100%. And like abstinence before marriage, it works every time it's tried. Here it is:
Celibacy (meaning singleness and abstinence).
Or one man plus one woman, in marriage, for a lifetime.
Giving themselves entirely to each other. And giving themselves to no one else – not physically, emotionally, not spiritually. Not abusively, not violently, not in power plays, not in any way.
That's the design. It's bad (but accurate) math, because One plus One equals One flesh. And it works beautifully. It fulfills wonderfully. It protects innocence, love, men, women, children, and society. It protects the innocent and defends the defenseless.
God's design won't be embraced by society any time soon – and everyone struggles with it. But just remember if every man and women did it, there would be no Weinsteins, no battered and abused women. No broken families.
So protect your sexuality. Give it to God. And refuse to be part of the craziness.
Originally posted at I Like My Coffee Black.