Undercover Videos Expose Planned Parenthood's Cover Up of Child Rape, Prostitution

Live Action has released two new undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood employees at clinics across multiple states turning a blind eye to claims of statutory rape and even advising pimps on how they get abortions for underage prostitutes without having to be reported.
In conjunction with Live Action's new investigative report "Aiding Abusers: Planned Parenthood's Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse," the prominent pro-life advocacy group led by Lila Rose produced two compilation videos on Tuesday that feature firsthand encounters undercover investigators had with clinic employees.
One six-minute video highlights the organization's sex trafficking investigation that took place in 2011, while an eight-minute video highlights the organization's statutory rape investigation conducted in 2008 that showed clinic workers' willingness to skirt mandatory reporting laws to cover-up situations involving the rape of minors.
Live Action claims that its undercover sex trafficking investigation found that eight different staffers at seven different facilities in different states "showed a willingness to aid and abet sex traffickers."
Meanwhile, the organization's statutory rape investigation found eight Planned Parenthood facilities in six different states that were willing to cover up the sexual abuse of minors.
In the sex trafficking video, undercover investigators posed as pimps and prostitutes and questioned representatives at various clinics on how they could go about getting an abortion or testing for underage girls they worked with.
In all of the instances shown in the video, the undercover investigators explicitly told clinic staffers that they were involved in "sex work" and that they had young girls that they worked with who were about 14 to 15 years old.
At a clinic in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, on Jan. 13, 2011, a clinic worker admitted that if she and her colleagues hear anything suspicious involving a minor, they have to report it under statutory reporting laws.
However, the worker goes on to tell the pimp and prostitute that there are ways they can get around those rules. The worker asserted that there is a bit of "play room" for clinic employees as long as the girl is not 14 years old or younger.
"So as long they just lie and say, 'Oh, she's 15, 16.' You know, as long as they don't say 14 and as long as it's not too much of an age gap then we just kind of like, then we just kind of like play it," the clinic worker is seen saying in the video.
The pimp goes onto ask the worker what they should do if they girl is clearly under the age of 14. The worker proceeded to hand the pimp a form in which she highlighted a location in which a girls ages 14 and younger could go for an abortion.
"You never got this from me," the worker said. "Just to make all of our lives easier, if they're 14 and under, just send them right there if they need and abortion. OK."
The employee continued by telling the pimp to claim that girls younger than 14 are just "students."
"[J]ust kind of play along that they're students," the clinic worker said. "We want to make it look as legit as possible."
"So you already kind of know before you get into any situation, like, 'Let's not go this way, let's do it this way,'" the worker added.
The prostitute then asked the worker how long the girls would have to wait after getting an abortion to continue having sex. After the worker said that they should wait a minimum of two weeks, the prostitute asked the clinic worker if she had any suggestions about what the girls who got an abortion should do in the meantime while they can't have sex.
"I mean, they still gotta make money, you know?" the pimp chimed in.
The clinic worker advised that the girls should only be sexually active from the "waist up" and that they could be "that extra action walking by."
At a clinic in New York City, undercover investigators posing as a pimp and prostitute asked if they could sign as guardians so that underaged prostitutes could get abortions without parental consent.
"If you were writing their support letter, yeah, you could say that you just take care of them, you support them," the clinic worker named Crystal said.
In Richmond, Virginia, a clinic worker told an undercover pimp and prostitute about how their underaged colleagues could skirt around laws requiring parental consent by applying for a judicial bypass.
"You fill out paperwork and we help you kind of set it up. ... We have a specific confidential hotline that will call you at whatever number you give us and handle the whole thing," the worker named Kimberly said. "So for someone who is a minor, that is a really good option. We do them probably once or twice a month here. So we are pretty good at handling if someone, you know, doesn't want someone else to know..."
In the statutory rape video, a clinic worker in Bloomington, Indiana, is shown giving advice to an alleged 13-year-old undercover investigator who explicitly told her that her boyfriend was 31. The conversation took place on June 25, 2008.
The worker told the girl that she didn't want to know the age of her boyfriend because she would be required to report that to child protective services and it could be considered rape and sexual abuse.
The clinic worker encouraged the girl to lie and say that her boyfriend is 14 and in her grade.
On June 24, 2008, the video shows a clinic worker in Indianapolis, Indiana, speaking with a girl who is purported to be 13. The girl expressed concern that if she made an abortion appointment that she would have to reveal the age of her boyfriend.
"We don't ask anything about the boyfriend," the clinic worker told her. 'We don't really care about what the age of the boyfriend. Its consensual. It's your choice."
On July 10, 2008, a clinic worker in Phoenix, Arizona, was told by an undercover 15-year-old that her boyfriend is 27.
"You don't have to say anything," the clinic worker says. "It's your choice, it is your private life. I mean as long as you are not being forced to have sex."
This is not the first time that Planned Parenthood clinics have been accused of covering up sex crimes against minors.
In 2014, the pro-life group Life Dynamics compiled 60 court cases that dealt with girls as young as 10 being taken to Planned Parenthood and other clinics to receive abortions and other services by their sexual abusers.
The group accused Planned Parenthood of "operating a nationwide pedophile protection racket."
Similarly, during the Center for Medical Progress' investigation into abortion clinic practices in harvesting babies' tissue and organs, one undercover video taken at a Planned Parenthood workshop in Michigan showed an abortion provider arguing against helping young victims of rape and sexual assault by asserting that because clinic workers are not state employees, they should not be required to report known cases of child abuse to authorities.
"Rather than reporting suspected abuse to authorities, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way," Live Action President Lila Rose said in a statement. "Because of Planned Parenthood's atrocious record of returning victims to their abusers to suffer yet more abuse, Live Action has worked for a decade to expose the systemic abuse cover-up."