'We Will Raise the Flag of Allah in the White House' and Humiliate Your Soldiers, Says ISIS in Threat to US

Militant Muslim jihadist group ISIS, which is also known as the Islamic State, recently issued a threat to the U.S. warning that the "flag of Allah" will be raised in the White House and charged that American soldiers will be humiliated in Syria as they were in Iraq.
The threats were made via a documentary produced by Vice News in which the group allowed Vice News reporter Medyan Daireh to spend three weeks learning about ISIS, travelling from the group's power base in Al Raqqa, Syria, to Iraq.
"I say to America that the Islamic Caliphate has been established. And we will not stop. Don't be cowards and attack us with drones. Instead, send your soldiers. The ones we humiliated in Iraq. We will humiliate them everywhere, God willing. And we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House," said Abu Mosa, an Islamic State press officer.
Mosa also volleyed a threat at Turkey to open a dam they erected on the Euphrates River that has been limiting the flow of water into Syria and Iraq.
"I pray to God that the apostate Turkish government reconsiders its decision. Because if they don't reconsider it now, we'll reconsider it for them by liberating Istanbul," said Mosa.
When asked if he was making a threat, Mosa said, "Yes, this is a clear threat. God willing, if they don't open it [the dam] we'll open it for them from Istanbul."
The 42.5-minute video highlights how ISIS is spreading and maintaining its influence in Iraq and Syria.
"Indeed, God is powerful and exalted in might. And in combat with enemies of God, he granted [his followers] success. And empowered them to fulfill their purpose. And if you desire what God has promised, then set out in jihad for his cause," Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi told recruits in the video.
One foreign fighter from Belgium, known as Abdullah Al-Belgian, revealed in the video his hatred for the West and Europe.
"God willing, the Caliphate has been established and we are going to invade you as you invaded us. We will capture your women as you captured our women. We will orphan your children as you orphaned our children," he said, breaking down in tears.
In the Islamic State, Muslims younger than 15 are sent to a Sharia camp where they learn about the ISIS creed and religion. Beyond 16-years-old, explained Mosa, they are welcomed into the military camp of ISIS.
Since taking control of the formerly westernized Raqqa from which Christians also fled recently, ISIS has exerted full control over the lives of residents through Sharia law. Sharia law is used to dictate the way a woman dresses, how a business is advertised, high crimes, civil disobedience and a whole host of social norms.
"My purpose is to establish the Caliphate," explained Hisbah Patrol Leader Abu Obida in the video. "And in order to make it happen in the way of the prophet we have to teach others what to do and what not to do."
In the video, Obida is shown instructing a shopkeeper to remove a western-looking banner posted on the wall of his shop.
"If you put this photo up it means that you like infidels," Obida told him. "You must remove it."
He is then shown telling a man to get his wife to change the fabric of her veil "because we can see what's underneath. She is your wife my brother, preserve her."
In addressing the plight of Christians in the Muslim-ruled city, Sharia Judge Abu Abdula said the Islamic State had signed a pact with Christians living in Raqqa under which they could have co-existed.
On Jan. 23, he said: "A pact was made with non-Muslims. It was approved by the Caliph, al-Baghdadi, God Bless him. Christians asked for this pact, asked for this contract. We met with them in the presence of a representative of the Caliph al-Baghdadi. He offered the chance for them to convert to Islam. If you don't accept this, you can pay non-Muslim tax, according to the Quran. If you don't accept this, there is nothing left between us but killing and fighting. They said, we want to pay the tax. I swear to God, we didn't harm them or displace them."
View the complete video below: