Sorry, people. Love is not proud
Pride Month. It’s antithetical to Christianity on so many levels, reveling in sexual sin, denialism, and confusion.
Do you have the fear of David Brainerd?
Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever wondered if you really possess saving faith?
An attitude of gratitude
In reality, we all should accept this challenge to “earn it.” Many thousands of our fellow citizens have laid down their lives on the altar of freedom to preserve our liberty.
The worst way to think about Jesus
You can hate Him or love Him, but the absolute worst thing you can do is be indifferent about Him.
The Christian’s duty in a revolutionary age (part 2)
More and more Americans also sense that American culture is reaching a critical moment, “a fork in the road moment,” when a culture takes a direction from which it is difficult, if not virtually impossible, to retrace and rectify.
The most dangerous wager you’ll ever make
But as bad as the damage from gambling can be in this life, there’s another bet that many make about God that’s infinitely and eternally worse. It’s captured well by the philosophical argument called “Pascal’s Wager”, which is often misunderstood and abused on both sides of the religious divide.
The battle I never thought I’d fight
As I type these words, I’m still in disbelief. I know God can heal on this side of Heaven.
The power of persistent prayer
Sometimes we will say, “I am not worthy to pray.” I hate to break this to you, but even on your best day you weren’t worthy.
Be anxious about everything
Ever had one of those weeks where bad news comes along like a trip hammer, one right after another? Big issues, small issues, serious issues, minor issues. Suddenly, they all pile up until the combined weight feels like a sumo wrestler is standing on your chest.
The Christian’s duty in a revolutionary age (part 1)
As Christians, we should draw encouragement, however, from the fact that we face a situation remarkably analogous to the one that confronted our first-century spiritual ancestors.