One Overlooked Way to Keep your Giving Strong in this Season

We’re all in uncharted territory. In a matter of weeks, the way we all “do church” has been radically overhauled due to Covid-19. As we move past the adrenalin rush of the pandemic’s first few weeks of quarantine, the fear, the worry, and the doubt begin to sink in. How will our attendees respond to “online only” church? Will our members stay connected when we don’t see them in person every week? Will we see our attendance plummet when this is over? Will our church continue to give?
You’re not alone.
Church leaders across the country are asking themselves these same questions.
To say the Coronavirus has disrupted our lives, families, and ministries would be a drastic understatement. In this rapidly changing environment filled with financial uncertainty, there are several factors to keep in mind to keep your givers engaged. But, let’s start with one of the most overlooked.

Ministry is still happening. Tell your donors about it.
Just because the church doors may be locked doesn’t mean the ministry has stopped. There’s a common misconception that work and ministry in the church is limited to just Sundays. As you, and anyone who has worked in full-time ministry or actively served in their church knows, that’s far from true. In this season when many churches are not able to meet in person on Sundays, it’s more important than ever to tell people how ministry is still happening inside and outside of the four walls of your church building.
The reality is there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into both the Sunday and weekday ministries of your church. Even though you may be having online only services, that doesn’t mean there is a lack of time and manpower going into making that happen. Share behind the scenes stories of your team prepping for service throughout the week or stories of life change happening as a result of your online adult and/or children's ministry content.
Ministry doesn’t only happen on Sundays or only inside the church. Does your church support a local food pantry? Do you provide meals for disadvantaged students in the community? Are you supporting missionaries in foreign countries? Are you hosting online worship nights on Facebook Live? Is your church serving those who would be considered high risk if they contracted COVID-19 by grocery shopping for them?
These are all ways that your church is still doing ministry that your members and attendees may not be aware of. Here’s a simple truth: people are more likely to continue to financially support a ministry, even in the midst of uncertainty, when they are constantly reminded of the life changing work being done.

Ministry is still happening. Tell them about it and invite them into it.
But this is just the starting point...we’ve pulled our resources together and we’ve also collaborated with other churches to bring you 9 Key Ways to Keep your Giving Strong in the midst of this pandemic. We’ve already shared with you the first key, “ministry is still happening so tell your donors about it.” To learn the remaining 8 keys, click here to download your free eBook copy of 9 Ways to Keep your Giving Strong.
Please know that at SecureGive, we are continually praying for you, your church, your donors, and your ministry during this uncertain time.