Ruling Elder in the Conservative Presbyterian Church Believes in Pre-Born Baby Murder

The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is the second largest Presbyterian denomination of the United States of America. It is supposed to be the largest conservative Presbyterian and/or Reformed body in the country with a focus on what the Scriptures of the Holy Bible says and commands. In fact, the PCA came into existence because of the progressivism that the Presbyterian Church in the United States was embracing back in the late 1960's and early 1970's.
The corruption did its damage in the PCUS and the true Bible believers could no longer stay in the PCUS, so enter the PCA. In 1983 the PCUS would merge with the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (UPCUSA) becoming the Presbyterian Church (USA), and with the merger progressive thought continued to move forward in spite of a recent split in 2012 which created ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. For the record the UPCUSA dealt with their own split in 1981 prior to their merger with PCUS. That split created the Evangelical Presbyterian Church or EPC which still exists to this day.
Now that I have given a quick history lesson on the PCA and the other major Presbyterian dominations, we need to focus on one PCA church leader, his run for the governorship of Texas, his pro-abortion baby murder stance, and the need for the PCA truly push back if not run the man out of the church body should it come to that.
This PCA leader is an elder at Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas. His name is Andrew White and his family is no stranger to politics. His late father Mark White was governor of Texas for a single term from 1983 till 1987. He failed to win a second term in which Bill Clements was able to win back the governorship which he lost to Mark in 1982. Clements decided to retire after that second nonconsecutive term. Both father and son were and are committed to the Democratic party, and while we have to be careful about mixing political parties with the faith of Christian church (i.e. PCA or any other Bible believing church body does not equal Republican party nor Democratic party), there are certan things that those who call themselves Christians should be holding up; in spite of the arguments of church-state separation.
As I stated in a previous piece and based on the history of the founders of Freedom From Religion Foundation I feel the real purpose of FFRF is to cleanse the culture of the Christian faith because it will make it easier for the Pro Abortion/Baby Murder cause to advance with little resistance.
Secularists might praise the likes of Andrew White who will separate themselves from their faith more/less. White claims to be a "common sense conservative" Democrat but when it comes to abortion/murder of the preborn, he said in an interview with Texas Public Radio's KSTX in San Antonio. "I support Roe v. Wade 100 percent. It's the law of the land. We just celebrated the 45-year anniversary of that...I'll go one step further and say that when I'm governor, I will veto any of this legislation coming out that limits a woman's right to choose."
I would personally would disagree with him on his support of Medicaid expansion and what the role of government in our lives should be. I would find the term conservative Democrat very misleading not just on abortion but in many other areas. I find him to be another shill and cog in the Democrat party machine based on the way he talks in the KSTX interview. Looking at a piece on White in the Houston Chronicle he seems to have no problem with same sex marriage and the LGBTQ agenda being taught to children, not to mention that he does not care about keeping transgenders out of the restrooms based on the gender they were naturally born into. This tells me that White is a very dangerous person and actually would hinder the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a Christian while advancing a more pagan culture that will only cause more damage to our society.
Should we uphold slavery if that is the law of the land, and should Christians in political office just say, well the Bible says its wrong but hey it's the law of the land. No, you try to fight to change that someway and somehow. Our elected officials, judges and bureaucrats can get things wrong and usually they do. The same should go for abortion and contrary to White's convictions and his live and let live mentality, more government funding in sex education is not going to reduce the need for abortion. Planned Parenthood's bread and butter is pre-born baby murder...pure and simple, and their sex education propaganda will also encourage young people to engage in sexual activity in hopes that they can get many abortions out of them. The only way to curb abortion/pre-born baby murder is to grant personhood to the unborn child and make abortion a crime once more with severe penalties for those who attempt preborn baby murder.
Proverbs 24:11-12 commands God's people (Jews and Christians alike) to rescue those who are being taken away to death. Exodus 23:7, Deuteronomy 27:25 and Proverbs 17:15 makes it quite clear that God forbids the killing of innocent people.
Thank goodness for pastor Todd Pruitt of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia; and his open letter to Andrew White and pointing key Scriptures about how the human race especially those in the womb of the mother are created in the image of God. Psalm 17:14 and 139:13-16; Isaiah 44:2; Jeremiah 1:5; and Luke 1:41-45. Looking at church history in which they actually stepped in to save babies who were abandoned and left to die, and even the reminder of upholding the sixth commandment of God to "not murder" as pointed out in the Westminster Larger Catechism.
To top it off, Pruitt reminds White of the 1978 ad interim committee on abortion which makes it clear that the PCA is opposed to abortion all the way. To date since Roe vs. Wade over 60 million preborn were killed by abortion and that is a much greater statistic than the six million killed by Nazi Germany.
Pastor Pruitt must do more than just pray. He needs to call upon Christ the King Presbyterian Church and see to it that White repents and actually uphold God's commands not to murder the innocent and also rescue them from unnecessary death. Forget about what the Democrats support (or even what President Donald Trump and the Republicans support), but rather what God supports when it comes to life and death issues and even marriage. If White does not repent, then his local church MUST excommunicate him. If White's church fails at any of this, then the greater PCA church body must step in and bring Christ the King Presbyterian Church to account and if necessary disfellowship the church. It will be churches like White's that will only corrupt the PCA and cause yet another denomination split in the much-fractured Presbyterian/Reformed churches in America.
Also remember these words of Jesus from his Sermon on the Mount; "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
"Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. -" Matthew 5:17, 19 ESV