The Freedom From Religion Foundation and Its Supporters Can Dish It Out but They Can't Take It

In February of this year, I wrote a piece titled the "The True Evil Purpose of the Freedom From Religion Foundation" and their mission to remove any religious aspect of our culture especially when they feel it's being sponsored by our government. I still strongly believe that their mission is a stealth one because once they remove any aspect of the Christian faith from our government, they can then use the government to promote a pagan if not a cultural Marxist agenda.
FFRF raised holy hell (or unholy) when Billy Graham's body was taken to the rotunda of our nation's capital. At least Americans United for the Separation of Church and State made a fair and objective statement regarding not allowing Graham's remains in the rotunda.
FFRF's desperation should serve as a wakeup call to what they are truly seeking. I think if given the opportunity they would move the remains of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and have them in the capitol building instead! The free-thinkers like to point out Graham's apparent racism, but pay no attention to Sanger's plan to wipe out the blacks and push to destroy the institution of marriage. What mattered is she advanced a women's right to be sexually liberated including the right to kill her baby growing in her.
What I did not notice is that FFRF themselves took wind of my piece and posted it on their Facebook page. That is fine and fair, but it also brought a lot of FFRF supporters to the Christian Post via their Facebook accounts. That should be a wakeup call for all Christians to use social media and to fight back and to not let these infidels bowl them over. They seek to bully, intimate and silence all Bible Believing Christians into submission of their vision for America. They want a Christian faith limited to only the four walls of the church while they force taxpayers to support abortion, population control and the LGBTQ/Rainbow Jihad and other things that make a mockery of God...all in the name of love and secularism.
Annie Laurie Gaylor's tribute to her mother Anne Nicol written for The Progressive (that tells me enough who she is) talks about how her mother challenged the culture of her day by showing off her skin (from wearing natural/transparent panty hose and wearing shorts) in a time that might have marked her as being a harlot (or a trollop) and likely was attempting to "free the nipple" as she breast fed her children. Gaylor had no shame and could never be shamed or humbled. TV talk show host Phil Donahue was chewed out over having a conscience when he challenged Gaylor on her "abortion is a blessing" statement.
FFRF blocks me from ever making remarks on their Facebook page which is fine but also hypocritical. They can dish out their hateful remarks everywhere they want including their own sites, but they silence those who dare give them a taste of their own medicine? Annie Gaylor and Dan Barker may come across as nice people, and you have willing allies, but as long as you encourage women (and the men who enable them) to be harlots and murder their children in womb I will not view you as nice and good but people who are vile, wicked and evil. You are just that, and I will continue to judge you as such.
Eventually groups like FFRF will get many of the innocent bystanders killed in the name of the making America a much greater "secular nation" if not more socialist since many FFRF members are progressive Marxists. Not everyone who is nonbeliever is or was a leftist radical (Thomas Jefferson was a deist but not a statist Marxist), but today these people want a society in which they can make the rules and call the shots. FFRF is on the forefront of this, and it's dangerous for the common good.