American Girl wants to trans your daughter

In shopping malls around the country, little girls are joyfully entering an American Girl store to select their favorite doll for Christmas or their birthday. Grandparents in the store are selecting items from their granddaughter's wishlist. What could be more innocent than buying a beautiful, educational doll steeped in history along with all the accessories that will bring the little girl you love hours of creative play for years to come? American Girl dolls are a rite of passage for countless little girls across the United States. American Girl is to girls what Lego is to boys.
Unfortunately, American Girl has chosen to strip away all innocence and teach girls how they can leave their girlhood behind and become boys if they feel like it.
For decades, American Girl has been publishing books about topics that are relevant to girls as they move into the middle school years. Recently, they published a book titled, A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image by Mel Hammond. While on the surface the book appears to present a perfectly upstanding and relevant topic for tween girls, the content of the book is deceptive and dangerous, promoting LGBTQ ideology to potentially millions of young girls.
This book holds nothing back in teaching girls how to change their sex by seeking puberty blockers, making permanent changes to their bodies, and going behind their parents' back to organizations that can "help” them. The book is available on the shelves in their stores and online.
I am a mom of two real American girls ages 8 and 10.

I recently went to the American Girl store with my 8 year old for her birthday and was infuriated to find A Smart Girls’ Guide: Body Image book on their shelves with explicit instructions on how girls can somehow change their sex, which is biologically impossible! The content of this book is unacceptable in a store that serves many families who believe that biological sex is a God-given gift and cannot be changed.
What is especially insidious is that the Body Image book actually begins with a noble theme, telling girls how beautiful their bodies are and how they should embrace that beauty.
However, the tone changes on the pages marked “Gender Joy” (p. 36ff). Contrary to what the first chapters appear to promote, the book starts teaching girls that they can destroy their girlhood. It causes girls to question the beauty of their bodies and even instructs them on how they can find help to change their bodies, including potentially mutilating their distinctly female anatomy.
The book mixes truth about embracing natural beauty with lies about denigrating the body. This is a toxic mixture that will only confuse them.
On page 38, the book promotes the use of puberty blockers by telling girls to seek them out from their doctor. It reads: “If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity.” Do the doctors mention that these untested hormonal agents are completely experimental for use in treating gender confusion and are similar to the drugs that have been used to chemically castrate sex offenders? I doubt it.
Is this what American Girl hopes for the girls reading their book and participating in their brand?
Also on page 38, they cast doubt on a child’s ability to trust the adults in their lives. The book tells girls that “if you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you. Turn to the resources on page 95 for more information.” This sickening ideology undermines the most important relationships in a child’s life.
Parents and grandparents are the ones who know their children and grandchildren best, who most deeply love them and want the best for them. Is American Girl really suggesting that organizations know how to care for a child better than the child’s family?
The manipulation continues, again on page 38, as the book offers more suggestions: "Parts of your body may make you feel uncomfortable and you may want to change the way you look. That's totally OK! You can appreciate your body for everything it allows you to experience and still want to change certain things about it."
Taken together with the advice about how to obtain puberty blockers, it is not a leap to think this is paving the way for more invasive interventions. Notice the subtlety and slippery language? Although they don’t come right out and say it, it sounds like they could be pushing girls to consider broader physical changes such as amputating their healthy breasts or engaging in other surgeries to alter their female anatomy irreparably.

To those of you who may think I’m crazy, American Girl is under the parent company Mattel, which has already put out transgender Barbies. One of them showed up recently in my friend’s daughter’s “Surprise Barbie” package. Her horrified 8-year-old screamed, “What is this, Mom?”
Where is the sanity? It is unthinkable that the American Girl company, driven by Mattel, would teach millions of young girls that changing their sex (and maiming their bodies) is not only acceptable, but beneficial.
I am calling on American Girl to stop publishing books that teach girls to destroy their bodies by changing their sex. I am calling on American Girl to go back to creating dolls and stop sending these destructive messages. I have loved this brand since my daughters were babies and we want to continue enjoying their products. But we can no longer do so unless they choose to change course. I emailed the executives and I encourage everyone to do likewise.
Families like mine go to the American Girl store to purchase dolls, not gender ideology. What they are pushing on our girls is horrific and it must be stopped.
Anne Young is a mother of two daughters.