Eliminating women from the human race

Stephens College, America’s second oldest women’s college, has recently issued an email in which it announces changes to its admissions policies. Beginning in the fall of 2019 the formerly all-female institution will begin allowing transgenders to enroll.
Men who are transitioning to female will have the same status and privileges as naturally born females; however, females who are transitioning to males will have to pack their bags and leave at the end of the semester. The college will help them transition to another institution.
The college explains its new policies:
“[Stephens] will also admit and enroll students who were not born female, but who identify and live as women; those students will need to provide legal documentation that they are legally women or that they are transitioning to female. Because the College has expanded its definition of womanhood to include both sex and gender, it is logically consistent that it also acknowledges both sex and gender in its definition of manhood. As a result, the College will stop admitting and enrolling students who were born female but who now identify as men or who are transitioning from female to male. The College will also continue to admit and enroll students who were born female but who identify as non-binary, meaning students who experience their gender identity as falling outside the categories of man and woman. The College will no longer admit or enroll students who identify as non-binary but who are transitioning to male.”
In case the average person is confused, the college goes on to explain its new policies:
“The world’s understanding of and definition of womanhood is changing. Stephens is evolving — just as it always has — to ensure that it continues to provide the extraordinary experience of a Stephens College education to all women who will seek and benefit from it.”
The key to understanding the changes Stephen’s College is advocating lies in its view of itself (and the human race) as “evolving just as it always has.”
It appears we are all to be committed to Hegelianism now, with a bow to Lamarckian evolutionary ideology. The ever-evolving human race, having once self-transitioned from chimps to Neanderthals and upright Cro-Magnons is now transitioning past its binary form of male and female into a new type of being. Transgenders are the prototypes of the newly evolved human.
The key to the transition to a new form of human being or even a post-human being is the triumph of will, which through a dialectical internal process develops a more sophisticated view that transcends older, less developed views of one’s self and of humanity. Internal dialectic reaches a synthesis that is infallible, needing no outside ideas such as the primitive religious concept of human beings made by and reflecting the image of God.
Apparently, we humans no longer require the identification of either male or female as assigned by a Creator. We are on our own to define ourselves or to allow others to define us. As Hegel himself put it, ‘nothing extraneous is introduced.” Dialectics is “the principle through which along immanent coherence and necessity enter into the content of science.”
In other words, we can on our own rise above the finite, including the finitude of the material body as male and female, to the universal. We can become more than human. We can become post-human, avoiding entirely all the messy and unnecessary particulars of the human race such as sex consigned at conception.
To put it yet another way, the idea is that we humans can, by an act of will synthesize the cacophony within us into a single voice that speaks to who we really are; there is, in other words, an inner principle of self-derivation that enables us to be anything we choose to be. The dialogue within one’s self is the defining factor in assessing one’s identity, including whether or not one is male or female. We humans are, in other words, always coming to be through pure knowledge of ourselves. Each person is self-originated. In turn, the newly identified organisms who were formerly known as male and female can collaborate with other organisms to move the human race along to a pre-determined destiny, known by some as post-human existence. Humanity as it has been traditionally defined for millennia can be transcended by the evolutionary process and/or by technological advances.
For the powers that be at Stephens College, the idea appears to be it is time to evolve itself out of existence as a college for women, since “The world’s understanding of and definition of womanhood is changing.” In other words, an institution formerly devoted to the education of women has evolved past the ideas that once animated the founding of women’s colleges; namely, that women are as entitled to and able to benefit from as rigorous an education as men.
In place of the idea that was basic for the foundation of the college is the idea that there is no such real thing as a woman. Instead, the college has committed itself to erasing even the very idea of “woman.” Women do not exist as women any longer, as the human race has evolved past all that nonsense.
It follows that any men and women seeing distinctions between male and female are possessed of a singularly backward mentality resisting evolutionary progress; and that the unease felt by less advanced life forms such as you and me should be dismissed; resistance eradicated and the unbelieving eliminated from participation in the brave new world.
In the meantime, the enlightened who see past the material forms the human race presently possesses will ensure progress toward the indeterminate but surely more blessed future by converting by persuasion or force those who are reluctant to give up their womanhood or manhood. A new language will evolve in which the binary distinctions of humanity will no longer be mentioned; books, plays and poems that celebrate the romance between the sexes will be banned; children will be taught the joys of devaluing their own sex; and sex between men and women denigrated as abnormal, along with the terms “mother” and “father.” Last, resisters will be cordoned off into private preserves or sent to re-education camps designed to convert them to the newly evolved ideology.
For yes, we are in the territory occupied by believers in a brave new world characterized by the elimination of all binary distinctions in the name of “equality.” We have seen the results of similar ideological insanities. Now, we are seeing the Hydra grow a new head, one that finds its deathly impetus from the same ideological sources that have brought and are still bringing so much suffering and death to men and women alike. We are seeing those who believe in the self-transcendence of human beings, their nature and their history heedlessly but deliberately destroy both religion and science because they are convinced they have evolved ahead of the rest of the human race and deserve to determine who will be fit for the new society and who will not.
Allied with the ideologues who believe in a post-human world free of the distinctions of sex are those who believe in the technological transformation or bypassing of the human race by the development of technology. Man will be bypassed and or surpassed by supra-human machines who think faster, calculate at enormous rates and by virtue of their technological advancement will eliminate the need for human beings entirely. The visions and dreams of sci-fi will become reality.
Against the revolutionaries who call for “equality,” but who are by their beliefs revealed to be nihilists who actually hate the human race, men and women alike, stand some who resist. Among them are Christians who believe the Genesis creation account. That majestic account, which states God created the human race as male and female, defines and reflects observable reality. The ideology that seeks to distort and supplant that reality, and which is intent on seizing control of higher education, government and even the Church, is insanity itself.
In the end, both men and women have a vested interest in confronting an evil ideology, which if allowed to play out in real time and history, seeks to eliminate the reality of what it means to be human, male and female alike.
--Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, which awarded her its prize for excellence in systematic theology. Her thoughts have appeared in numerous online publications. She may be reached at fvoshell@yahoo.com